Thank you to all of the librarians who responded to my question asking if 
the following two books are appropriate for grades 4-8

Everything Illuminated :  A Novel by Jonathan Safran  This was a very 
clear  NO.
Legacies of the Holocaust and WWII by Mona Weissmark.  One person thought 
that both were adult books and others didn't know.  I wrote to the author 
who is checking with her publisher and she will get back to me.  I will 
keep you informed.

Many of you wrote to me with suggestions for appropriate books for grades 
4-8.  Many of these books are already in my library, but I thought I would 
share them with you.

A Picture of Grandmother by Esther Hautzig
No Pretty Pictures by Anita L.
Hanna's Suitcase by Karen Levine
Katrina by Winter
Dear Emma by Johanna Hurwitz
Maria's Stories by Schmidt
Marika by Sheng
Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli
Four Perfect Pebbles by Lila Perl

Dorothy Krimsky

Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:      Hasafran at
SUBscribing, SIGNOFF commands send to:   Listproc at
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments;-) send to:  galron.1 at
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