I just put up a webpage listing the finalists and winners of the 53rd 
ANNUAL NATIONAL JEWISH BOOK AWARDS (Ceremony on December 11, 2003, at the 
Center for Jewish History in New York City, 7:30 PM)

Located at 

Top honor - Everett Family Jewish Book of the Year: Michael Oren's Six Days 
of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East (Oxford 
University Press).

Winner, Anthology
Cultures of the Jews: A New History by David Biale, ed. (Schocken Books)

Winner, Fiction
The Russian Debutante's Handbook by Gary Shteyngart (Riverhead Books)

A Memory of War by Frederick Busch (Norton)

Winner, Children and Young Adult Literature
Jewish Holidays All Year Round by Irene Cooper (Abrams Books)

Winner, Contemporary Jewish Life and Practice
To Do the Right and the Good by Elliot Dorff (Jewish Publication Society)

Chanting the Hebrew Bible by Joshua Jacobson(Jewish Publication Society)
The Golden Land by Joseph Telushkin(Crown)

Winner, Gerrard and Ella Berman Philanthropic Award, History
Irving Howe: A Life of Passionate Dissent by George Sorin (NYU Press)

The Butcher's Tale by Helmut Walser Smith (W.W. Norton)
Beyond the Pale by Benjamin Nathans(University of California Press)
The Pity of It All by Amos Elon(Metropolitan Books)

Winner, Holocaust
Resilience and Courage by Nehama Tec (Yale University Press)

Holocaust: A History by Deborah Dwork & Robert Jan Van Pelt (W.W. Norton)
Why Didn't the Press Shout: American and International Journalism During 
the Holocaust by Robert Moses Shapiro (KTAV)

Winner, Scholarship
Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies by Martin Goodman (Oxford University Press)

Gentle Impurities and Jewish Identities by Christine E. Hayes (Oxford 
University Press)
The JPS Bible Commentary (Haftarot) by Michael Fishbane (Jewish Publication 

Winner, Modern Jewish Thought and Experience
A Jew in America by Arthur Hertzberg(HarperCollins)

The Fourth Commandment by Francine Klagsbrun (Harmony)
Ehyeh by Arthur Green (Jewish Lights)

Winner, Barbara Dobkin Award, Women's Studies
Reading the Women of the Bible by Tikvah Frymer-Kensky (Schocken)

JPS Guide to Jewish Women by Taitz, Henry & Tallen (Jewish Publication Society)
Resilience and Courage by Nechama Tec (Yale University Press)
The Woman Who Defied Kings by Andree Aeilon Brooks (Paragon House)

Winner, First Time Author Award
In the Image by Dara Horn (Norton)

Winner, Special Recognition Award
Hana's Suitcase by Karen Levine (Whitman)

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