Hi Everyone!

Today I visited one of my websites and discovered missing
pictures and files. I visited several of my websites and discovered
the same problem on each.

I called my hosting company and they told me that their was
a hardware failure on my server last night and they had to
rebuild my system on a new server. The problem is that they
used a backup dated March 2007. They are checking if they
have a more recent backup to use.

If they do not have a more recent backup, I will have to spend a
few days (maybe more) uploading thousands of files from the
past 7 months to the new server including all the aliyah pictures,
terrorism memorial pictures, Ma'aleh Adumim, stamps,
hotsites updates and many more.

I will try and get the newest files (including yesterday's aliyah
pictures) back up first.

Sorry for the inconvenience if you are trying to access recent
information / files from my sites.

I would strongly recommend that anyone hosting a website
check how their provider does backups and maybe ask for
a file restore every so often to see if they are actually doing the
backups regularly.

Have a good day,

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