Community of Salonika
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Dear Ha-Safran Members,

I am writing to inform you that a jointly sponsored YIVO-American Sephardi 
Federation Lecture entitled:
"Discovering Salonika, the Jerusalem of the Balkans:Perspectives and 
Insights Gleaned from the YIVO Archives"
will take place at the Center for Jewish History on Tuesday, August 23, 
2005 at 7 pm.
The lecture will be accompanied by a Powerpoint demonstration with samples 
of documents from the collection.

Refreshments will be served from 6:30 to 7:00.
As seating is limited advance registration is required.
To make a reservation please call  212-294-6143 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sponsored by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and the American 
Sephardi Federation with Sephardic House, the lecture will be given 
by  Devin Naar, Project Historian of the Archive of the Jewish Community of 
Salonika housed in the YIVO Archives. Mr. Naar has been accepted into the 
Doctoral Program in Jewish History at Stanford University and is the 
recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship for study in Greece.

The Salonika Project at YIVO, whose objective is to catalog, microfilm and 
digitize the Records of the Jewish Community of Salonika in the YIVO 
Archives, is funded by the Maurice Amado Foundation and the United States 
Holocaust Memorial Museum. The American Sephardi Federation also provides 
bibliographic resources and intellectual support. An Academic Advisory 
Committee, consisting of leading scholars of Sephardic and Greek Jewry, has 
been formed to provide guidance to project staff.

The YIVO Salonika Collection holds fragmentary records of the Jewish 
Communal Council of Salonika, primarily for the interwar period. The 
majority of the Jewish community of Salonika was killed in Auschwitz in 1943.

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