From Fruma Mohrer, Chief Archivist, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Dear Safranim,

I am writing to inform you that the next YIVO Faculty and Graduate 
Seminar in Jewish Studies, sponsored by the Max Weinreich Center for 
Advanced Jewish Studies, the YIVO Archives and the YIVO Library, will 
be given by Dr. Mark Steiner, on Monday, August 20, 2007 at 6:30 pm, 
at the Center for Jewish History in New York City, 15 West 16th 
Street, Kovno Room.

If you have already received this invitation please forgive the 
duplicate posting.

The subject of the seminar will be Reuven Agushewitz' work 
"Principles of Philosophy", recently translated from the original 
Yiddish (Pardes, 1942) by Dr. Steiner.

Dr. Mark Steiner is Professor of Philosophy at the Hebrew University 
of Jerusalem and the author of numerous works on the philosophy of 
mathematics, philosophy of science and the theory of knowledge. 
Translator of the Yiddish language philosophical works of Rabbi 
Reuven Agushewitz, Dr. Steiner will  will give an overview of 
Agushewitz' understanding of the relationship beween philosophy, 
science and religion.

The session will be chaired by Dr. David Shatz, Professor of 
Philosophy at Yeshiva University, Adjunct Professor of Religion at 
Columbia, and editor of "The Torah u-Madda Journal" Dr. Shatz’s most 
recent books are "Philosophy and Faith" (McGraw-Hill), "Questions 
About God" (Oxford University Press) and "Peer Review: A Critical 
Inquiry".  He also is editor of the MeOtzar HoRav series, which is 
devoted to publishing manuscripts by the Jewish philosopher Rabbi 
Joseph B. Soloveitchik.

 >From 6 to 6:30 participants will have the opportunity to meet with
Dr. Steiner and with faculty and graduate students. At 6:30 the 
seminar will begin.

Dr. Steiner obtained his B.A. from Columbia University and his Ph.d 
from Princeton University in 1972. He is Professor of Philosophy at 
Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is the author of numerous articles 
and works on the philosophy of mathematics, including 'Mathematical 
Knowledge.' (Cornell University Press, 1972) and 'The Applicability 
of Mathematics as a Philosophical Problem'(Harvard, 1998). Articles 
on Jewish themes include "Rabbi Israel Salanter as a Jewish 
Philosopher" as well as articles on Talmudic Law.

Agushewitz published three philsophical works in his lifetime. Dr. 
Jacob Shatzky, Research Associate at the YIVO Institute for Jewish 
Research with an interest in the works of Spinoza, wrote the 
introduction to one of Agushewitz's works: "Di alt-Grikhishe 
filozofye : fun Thales biz iber di Pitagorer."

Please note that because of limited seating advance registration is
required. Please rsvp by writing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by calling

The seminar, which focuses on research done in the YIVO Archives and 
Library,  is open to all faculty and graduate students in the 
tri-state area, to professionals working in Jewish Studies or by 
invitation. The purpose of the seminar is to stimulate serious 
discussion about new topics of research in Jewish Studies.

I hope that we will have the honor of your presence at this or some
future YIVO Faculty Seminar this semester.

Best wishes,

Fruma Mohrer

Chief Archivist

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

15 West 16th Street

New York, NY 10011


fax: 212-292-1892

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