Friends and Colleagues:
Many of you have asked about the status of my children's picture 
book. Thanks for asking!
This picture book, written by my husband Joe Lipner and me, is a 32 
page book written in verse that gives expression to the spirit and 
times of Woodstock, the music festival that took place in August 1969 
on my cousin Max Yasgur's farm in Bethel NY.

As it is a picture book, the story is driven by lush, dynamic 
narrative illustrations by artist Barbara Mendes.
The 40th anniversary of Woodstock is August 2009, so it is with great 
hope and anticipation that the book will be in my hands by early 
November of 2008.  I took this project on to fill the need for a 
picture book about Woodstock and in particular about my cousin Max 
who showed the value of welcoming strangers to his land. he is the 
hero of the book. There are other types of books about Woodstock.  A 
week doesn't go by when I do not hear from someone "Are you related 
to Max Yasgur, ya know the guy from Woodstock?" And I am proud to 
respond that "Yes, he is my son! (our son is named in his memory) and 
Yes he was my cousin." A month doesn't go by without a reference to 
Woodstock in the newspaper somewhere around the world. Just yesterday 
in the NYTimes in the Arts section there was a music book review by 
Stephen Holden and the first paragraph cites the Woodstock Festival 
and the article goes onto speak about Joni Mitchell who wrote the 
Woodstock song that includes the line..."goin' down to Yasgur's farm..."
So...please everyone, in the interest of my building the 
infrastructure around the book for distribution and sales, help 
me...go to
and email me from there that you are interested in the book.

All the best for a groovy summer! Peace.
Abigail Yasgur

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