Announcing the publication of  "Jacob's Courage"
by Charles Weinblatt (Sylvania, Ohio)

"Jacob's Courage" is a beautiful love story set against the backdrop of the

"Jacob's Courage" chronicles the dazzling beauty of passionate love and
enduring bravery in a lurid world where the innocent are brutally murdered.

In 1939, seventeen-year-old Austrians Jacob Silverman and Rachael Goldberg
are bright, talented, and deeply in love. Because they are Jews, their
families lose everything; their jobs, possessions and money, contact with
loved ones, and finally their liberty at the hands of the Nazis. Jacob and
Rachael "grow up" during the Holocaust.

As teenagers, they survive the beatings, rapes, and murderous acts of the
Nazis, enjoy the physical and spiritual pleasure of being in love and are
able to become husband and wife in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, before being
imprisoned in Auschwitz. Eventually Jacob and Rachael become Partisans to
fight the Nazi enemy.

While "Jacob's Courage" is a novel, the author, Charles Weinblatt, has based
portions of the story on his mother's experience. Clara Volk Weinblatt was a
childhood victim of pogroms in her Russian Jewish village.

Much of Weinblatt's maternal extended family perished in the Holocaust.
Great grandparents, great-aunts and uncles and many cousins disappeared into
the void of Nazi annihilation.

This book is dedicated to the 6,000,000 Jews who perished in the Holocaust.
They have been lost, but will never be forgotten.

"Jacob's Courage" is Holocaust literature for adult readers.

524 pages, soft cover  $22.95
ISBN 978-965-7344-24-8
Available through Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Amazon, Barnes and Noble

Published by Mazo Publishers

Chaim Mazo, Publisher
|\/| Mazo Publishers
P.O. Box 36084
Jerusalem 91360 Israel

USA Tel/Fax: 1-815-301-3559
Israel Phone: +(972)[0]54-7294-565
United Kingdom Fax: 871 263 8702

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