Hag Urim Sameach
b"h New Catalogs for Hannuka on:

Otzar HaSeforim - Hannuka Catalog with dozens of publishers and
hundreds of new Seforim.
Bookstore Hannuka Section - Selection of new titles on Hannuka in
Halacha and Aggada.
Olam Shel Torah - More offers from publishers

New titles in the bookstore:
Responsa Magdaniot Eliyahu- Rabbi Alter Rubenstein zts"l of Jerusalem-Antwerpen
Mafteach Le Kitvei Rav Zadok HaCohen - Topical index to the writings
of Rav Zadok HaCohen
Sheurei HaGrandash - Sheurim of Rav Dov Shwartzman on Gittin and Nedarim
Peanuach HaMesora - The Masoret to Sefer Tehillim fully explained and
referenced - limited ed.
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Judaica Archival Project
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