We have over 400 DVDs in our collection and have purchased over 100 in the
past year (mostly from Amazon.com for under $30).  The most popular this
year have been:

Constantine's Sword
Praying with Lior
James' Journey to Jerusalem
The Counterfeiters
Waltz with Bashir
Blessed is the Match
Left Luggage
Live and Become
Love Comes Lately
My Mexican Shiva
The Reader
A Secret
Sixty Six

I frequently post new DVD acquisitions on the library's Facebook page.  Go
to www.facebook.com/NSSBethElCLC and click "like" to get the updates.  If
anyone is interested in a list of our entire DVD collection, e-mail me
directly and I can send it to you as a PDF.

Rachel Kamin, Director
The Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center
North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
847/432-8903 x242 or rka...@nssbethel.org


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