My wife and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Adaire Klein, may her
name be for a blessing. I've known Adaire for many, many years, since I was in
high school. Adaire was a very kind and special person - she helped me expand
my knowledge of the Holocaust, especially when I was a student
This is, indeed, sad news. I have many fond memories of conversations with
Adaire. She was a role model to many and was, personally, very helpful to me.
Thanks for sharing it with us. I’m sure that her chapter’s friends can add a
lot of information about her,
Amalia W.
Sent from my iPad
> On Ju
My 1,100 Jewish Children’s, Older children’s, and teenage books are all
shelved together. If I want to separate them out into three sections, how
do I differentiate the books for ages 9 - 11 from the books ages 12 - 17?
Do I have to look each book up individually to see what group it falls
I am sorry to inform you that Adaire Klein passed away in Jerusalem on Friday.
Adaire was the long time librarian at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los
Robbin KatzinChicago, IL__
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