The copy of THE JEWISH LIBRARY HANDBOOK has just arrived in my house.
The book is edited by AJL past publication chair Joyce Levine. Joyce and the 
six editors and several contributors are all experienced librarians in 
synagogues, schools and other libraries.  Their combined knowledge makes this 
book an asset to beginners and experienced library staff regardless of their 
formal degrees.  
When I started to work in a synagogue library before going to school the Rabbi 
gave me one advice: “call my friend, she is a librarian where I  used to work 
before”.  She (happened to be AJL President)  sent me the previous edition of 
this book. I attribute  the library’s achievement to to that book (and to AJL). 
The revised edition is a guide to excellence for a synagogue, school and center 
library in the twenty first century.
Amalia Warshenbrot
AJL President, 
Phone: (704) 365-3313
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