Don't forget to sign up for the upcoming lecture about the new book *Sefer
Tagin* Fragments from the Cairo *Genizah*
 >, during which Torah scribe Marc
Michaels will take us on a journey through some scribal oddities.

The event will take place online on January 19, 2021 at 9:30am PT / 12:30pm
ET / 7:30pm Israel Time.

This event is sponsored by AJL's RAS Division. All members and non-members
are welcome. It is part of the *AJL PRESENTS "Books About Books" series. *To*


In his new book Sefer Tagin *Fragments from the Cairo* Genizah, Sofer STa"M
Marc Michaels transcribes and recreates fragments of arguably the earliest
found manuscript of the manual for *sofrim* (scribes) concerning the
decorative *tagin* (tittles) and 'strange' letter forms that adorn certain
words in the *Torah*. Comparing these found fragments against other core
and secondary sources of *Sefer Tagin* (including several pages of a new
secondary source), Michaels establishes the most likely readings to assist
the reconstruction of the fragments and shed light on the original
intention of the author of *Sefer Tagin*. Learn about how the book came to
be, the new finds and see some of the manuscripts that bring these old
traditions to life.

Looking forward to seeing you in this talk, and in the other AJL events
during January.


Amalia S. Levi

AJL RAS Division President
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