I am so excited to announce my new children's book, Angels for Dreamtime, has 
been released today in time for Hanukah!  
It is beautifully illustrated and explains about Jewish traditions about angels 
as a bedtime story. It includes angels who tell  each blade of grass to grow, 
the angels who  call to Abraham and Hagar and of course, the archangels 
Micheal, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael- and many more!  My official press release 
is coming, but wanted to get this out,  If you order it today, get  expedited 
shipping to get it in time!

Heres the link:


 Rabbi Rayzel

Internet Kavannah 5778

As my fingers fly over the keyboard, may I send out only loving, healing and 
clarifying messages.  Oh Great Cosmic Force Within Us and Around Us help me 
feel the connection to the other beings in this technological web. Angels of 
Discernment, grant me the ability to decide which petitions are urgent and 
which can be deleted with joy. Infinite Source of Calm and Patience, grant 
serenity to those who do not hear back from me right away or who are irritated 
by typos.  May all those who read this feel blessed to be alive at this time of 
great transformation and potential.

 Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, 
but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy 
Shechinah...what a ride"............and by the way "Who let the morning people 
run things?"

 May angelic beings guide your way today.

 Rabbi G. Rayzel Raphael

Singer, Songwriter, Ritual-Maker and Spirituality Consultant. 

http://www.shechinah.com <http://www.shechinah.com/>
www.interfaithjewishweddings.com <http://www.interfaithjewishweddings.com/>

http://www.Darkaynu.org <http://www.darkaynu.org/>
Angels Carry You: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/rabbirayzelraphael

Friday Night Revived: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/rabbigrr

Bible Babes a Beltin’: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/rabbigrr 
MIRAJ: http:www.cdbaby.com/Artist/Miraj

New Moon: http://www.shechinah.com/new-moon.html



Think Green. Please don’t print this message unless it’s really necessary. 
Thank you. 





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