While this is a bit legal, I assume it might be of interest to Judacia 
librarians (I am giving no guarantee it will be in English, as opposed to 
legalese). I have been advised this is open to non-members, and to specifically 
invite my colleagues in AJL.  –Aaron Kuperman

Aaron Kuperman, LC Law Cataloging Section.
This is not an official communication from my employer

From: Renu Sagreiya via AALL My Communities <m...@connectedcommunity.org>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2022 9:24 AM
To: Kuperman, Aaron <a...@loc.gov>
Subject: [FCIL-SIS] : Registration Link! "Get Refusal & Domestic Violence in 
the Jewish Community: Culturally-Competent Services from Civil & Halachic 

Good morning CARLIG! Registration is now OPEN for our next event, which shall 
take place on Monday, February 28, 2022 (11am - 12pm US/Central).... -posted to 
the "Foreign, Comparative & International Law SIS" community
[American Association of Law 

Foreign, Comparative & International Law 

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Registration Link! "Get Refusal & Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community: 
Culturally-Competent Services from Civil & Halachic 

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Feb 7, 2022 9:24 AM


Good morning CARLIG!

Registration is now OPEN for our next 
 > which shall take place on Monday, February 28, 2022 (11am - 12pm 
US/Central). Please save the date and spread the word among any colleagues that 
may be interested.

This program, jointly organized by Customary and Religious Law Interest Group 
(CARLIG) and Jewish Law Librarians Caucus (JLLC), shall take place early in the 
spring 2022 semester. We are excited to introduce two guest speakers from 
prominent female-led Jewish nonprofits: Shana Weiner, Esq. from 
 >, based in Philadelphia, PA, and Keshet Starr, Esq. from Organization for the 
Resolution of Agunot 
 > in New York City, NY. The speakers will talk about domestic violence in the 
Jewish community, from both civil law and religious law perspectives. They will 
also discuss the crisis of get refusal, which has unfortunately been 
exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, they will touch upon how 
they go about conducting legal research in this niche and complex area of the 

The program, including the Q&A portion, shall be recorded via Zoom, and 
distributed by email to all registrants, along with any slides and/or handouts. 
In addition, the recording and any slides and/or handouts shall be posted on 
the AALL website, as was the case for our successful virtual program in fall 
2021, which also featured a guest speaker (Brody Stephen Hale, Esq. on "Canon 
Law 101").

This program is made possible by a grant from the AALL Continuing Education 
Grants Program and Bloomberg Law.

This webinar is open to all AALL members. Register 


1.) The attendees shall learn about some basics on how to research halachic 
(Judaic) law with regard to the topic of intimate partner violence, divorce, 
and the get. In a nutshell, get is the term for a bill of divorce that only the 
husband can grant to his wife, not vice versa. Even if a judgment of civil 
divorce has been finalized in Family Court, the wife must obtain a get from her 
husband in order to effectuate the religious divorce. If this is withheld by 
the husband, the wife cannot religiously remarry, is labeled an agunah 
("chained woman"), and faces community stigma.

2.) The attendees shall learn how halachic law intersects with its civil 
counterpart in the specific area of family law and domestic violence.

3.) The attendees shall learn about the amazing work of two non-profit 
organizations that are advocating on behalf of agunot, or Jewish women who are 
stuck in a spiritual marriage as determined by halakha (Jewish law).

Renu Urvashi Sagreiya, J.D.
Digital Library Specialist at Rutgers University Libraries (New Jersey 
Environmental Digital Library)
M.I. Candidate (Library & Information Science) at Rutgers University School of 
Communication & Information

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