Dear Colleagues,

We have been asked to offer the following books, free for a shipping label,
on behalf of Rabbi Jonathan Zimet.

*Please contact Rabbi Zimet ( <>) directly *if
you would like any of them; shipping labels can easily be generated at and emailed to him.



-- Haggadah Shel Pesach, Publ'd in Vilna and New York, 1928.  Maybe
unremarkable, except it's with two commentaries:  Geulat Avraham, and
G'vurot El.

-- Machsor  . . . Festgebete der Israeliten, fur die Neujahrstage und das
Versohnunsfest;  S. G. Stern.
       Not dated in print:  handwritten "1908" but I think that's just when
someone gave it, and it's much older.

-- *Siddur Schaare Tefillah*  (Nenausgabe des Roe*delheimer Siddur "Sephath
Emeth")    (i.e., o-umlaut)
*   Gebetbuch fur Synagoge,   Schule end Haus*.
      . . . bearbeitet von J. B. Levy, Lehrer in Frankfurt a. M[ain].
      Frankfurt a.M. Rodelheim  / Druck und Berlag von M Lehrberger & Co.

- A miniature Siddur (with metal cover) from Vienna, circa 1857
- Die Ehe Nach Mosaisch Talmudischer Auffassung und das
Mosaisch-Talmudische Eherecht, Leipzig, 1879.
- Palastina, 188 Bilder, Georg Landauer, Berlin 1935

--  The Pharisees, by Louis Finkelstein

  --  an extra copy of the standard tikkun (for torah readers)

  --  a series / maybe the whole set, of *Anthologies *of the holidays
(Passover Anthology, etc.),  all by Phillip Goodman, JPS.   Here they are:
         Shab Anth...,   Purim- ,   Passover- ,   Shavuot- ,   RH- ,   YK-
,    Sukkot-->Simchat,  Hanukkah  -Antholog[ies].)

  --  Concordance L'Tnach (In Heb, w/ notes and 2nd title page in Latin)
"Hebraicae Atque Chaldaicae" by Solomon Mandelkern, Schocken
Jerusalem/Tel-Aviv,  1955.

  --  a Hebrew (in German) Lexicon:
      Jacob Levy,  *Wo*rterbuch  U*ber Die Talmudim Und Midraschim*  Berlin
& Wein (Vienna), 1924.
       Nebst Beitraegen von Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer   (Im Hosafot
v'he-arot me-eit  Heinrich . . .)
      Hotza-ah Hadasha Im Tikunim v'Hosafor me-eit:   Eliezer [Lazar]
                     (*These asterisks usually are for the umlaut I can't
type here -- thus: Woerterbuch;  Ueber).

  -- Even-Shoshan:  HaMilon He-Hadash, (Kiryat Sefer, Jerusalem 1981
Dictionary:  3-volume, not just dictionary, but examples of use in texts)

  -- Universal Jewish Encyclopedia,   NY 1943,  10 vols.   (dated, but IMO
useful for lay people, students  who'd want briefer descriptions of items)

  -- The Holy Scriptures, New Translation (just the Engl) 3 vols, JPS,
Philadelphia 1978

  -- Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments, E Rausch, 2 vols, Tu*bingen,
Vorlag von JCB Mohr (Paul Geibeck, 1909)  [JZ: no warranty on letters: very
old-German font]

  -- Dubnow,  Welt-Geschichte Des Ju*dische Volkes (The Oldest History of
the Jewish People), 10 vols, Judischer Verlag, Berlin, 1928

  -- Adolf Bo*hm,  Die Zionistische Bevegung (2 vols),  Judischer Verlag,
Berlin 1935

  -- Wu*ste und Gelobtes Land, Geschichte Israels, von den Anfa*ngen bis
zum Tode Salomos  (2nd vol: from then to early 20th cent),  Elias
Auerbach,  Kurt Wolff Verlag, Berlin 1932

  -- Me'ina Shel Torah, ed by Aleksander Zusha Friedman (Hebrew version)
(vols 2-5, = Shemot - Deut) ("FAR"? Publ Co), Tel-Aviv 1955

  -- Sefer Hayei MVHR"N  (= Moreinu harav Nachman -- I think of Breslov)
Jerusalem 5736 (= 1976), (1st published in Lemberg [in] 5634)

  -- Book of Ezekiel, commentary by Solomon Freehof, UAHC 1978

  -- Pninim me-safrut ha-drosh.   Short sayings on the great ideas
[in-yanim] ... of the Jewish world.   Ed.  Shamrihu* Leib Hurwitz.    [1350
Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn]  New York, 1937   [*embarrassed that I can't
figure this one \\ This is all in Hebrew, my translation].

 -- Shabbat Shi'urim.  Selected Shiurim on each of weekly Parashot by Rabbi
M Miller (in Engl) 1931.  Publ'n of the Gateshead Fndn for Torah. (All
sidras, in one vol)

 -- The Interpreter's Bible  (I have just Volume II, on  Lev, Num, Deut,
Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel  [sic, in that order]).

 -- The Holy Scriptures / in the King James and Revised Stnd Versions /
with General Articles and Intro, Exegesis, Exposition / for each book of
the Bible.   Abington-Cokesbury  Press:  New York [and] Nashville (!)

 -- The Torah, A Modern Commentary (UAHC) -- I just have Genesis, by W.G.
Plaut,  and  Leviticus, by Bernard Bamberger.

 -- Four pamphlets (small soft-cover books) called:   *Sources of
Contemporary Jewish Thought* (Not sure whether possibly they continued
beyond #4, but that's what we have).   Publ by World Zionist Org,  The Dept
for Educ & Culture in the Diaspora, . . .  Jerusalem 1971

  -- Modern Hebrew Lit: Trends and Values,   Simon Halkin,   Schocken, NY

 -- Israel: A History of the Jewish People,  Rufus Learsi*,  Cleveland &
NY,  World Publ Co, 1949
         *Yes, *that* Rufus Learsi,  probably a pseudonym (many believe) where
he spelled "Israel" backwards.

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