Of possible interest re: collaborative cataloging in area studies (not
South Asian only).


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Michelle Margolis Chesner <mc3...@columbia.edu>
Date: Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 10:20 AM
Subject: Fwd: CONSALD Roundtable panel around collaborative cataloging
To: michmarg <michm...@gmail.com>

Michelle Margolis Chesner
Norman E. Alexander Librarian for Jewish Studies, Columbia University
Co-director, Footprints: Jewish Books Through Time and Place
VP/President Elect, Association of Jewish Libraries 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kaoukab A. Chebaro <kc3...@columbia.edu>
Date: Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 9:53 AM
Subject: CONSALD Roundtable panel around collaborative cataloging
To: global studies alias <globalstudies-...@library.columbia.edu>, Kate
Harcourt <harco...@columbia.edu>

Dear All,
Encouraging you to attend this panel if your time and interest allow. It
would be interesting to learn more about these collaborative possibilities.
Please feel free to circulate. Best, Kaoukab

*From:* Pierce, James F <jfpie...@pobox.upenn.edu>
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 22, 2021 12:29 PM
*To:* Florence Nthiira Mugambi <florence.muga...@northwestern.edu>; Shane,
Jeffrey <sh...@ohio.edu>; Dougherty, Roberta <roberta.doughe...@yale.edu>
*Cc:* Loar, Jonathan <j...@loc.gov>
*Subject:* CONSALD Roundtable Panel: Part 2

Hi All,

I’ve sent an announcement regarding the roundtable panel to the CONSALD
listserv. Please feel free to circulate the following info among your
various communities:

*CONSALD Roundtable Panel: Part 2, Thursday August 19th, 1:00pm-2:30pm
Eastern Time*


If you attended the March CONSALD meeting, you’ll recall that the
roundtable discussion with Area Studies Librarians was incredibly rich and
we only had time to address the first of three prompts. All of the
panelists – Florence Mugambi (ALC), Jeffrey Shane (CORMOSEA), Robin
Dougherty (MELA), and moderator Jon Loar (CONSALD) – have graciously agreed
to reconvene to address the remaining prompts, which deal with 1) engaging
social justice and 2) collaborative collecting. We hope you’ll be able to
join us; a calendar invite with additional Zoom info is attached.

All Best,



James F. Pierce, PhD

South Asian Studies Librarian

555 Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center

University of Pennsylvania

3420 Walnut Street | Philadelphia, PA 19104

215.898.7146 | jfpie...@upenn.edu

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