Hi Aviva,
Filling Your Bucket books tells how filling other people's buckets fill
your own and may suit your purposes:

Have you filled a bucket today? – A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids.  –
Carol McCloud. Nelson Pub. 2006. Ages 6-9.

this heartwarming book encourages positive behavior as children see how
rewarding it is to express daily kindness, appreciation, and love. Bucket
filling and dipping are effective metaphors for understanding the effects
of our actions and words on the well being of others and ourselves.

How Full is Your Bucket for Kids? - Tom Rath.Gallup Press. 2009. ISBN-13:
9781595620279 Ages 3-8.  Through the story of a little boy named Felix,
this charming book explains to children how being kind not only helps
others, it helps them, too. As he goes about his day, Felix interacts with
different people — his sister Anna, his grandfather, other family and
friends. Some people are happy, but others are grumpy or sad. Using the
metaphor of a bucket and dipper, Felix’ grandfather explains why the happy
people make Felix feel good, while the others leave him feeling bad — and
how Felix himself is affecting others, whether he means to or not.

There is another one I just came across called True Bucketfilling Stories:
Legacies of Love by Stacy Lundgren. but I am not familiar with it.
recommended ages 8-12.

Karen Hering
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