New Book:  Sephardic Jews: History, Religion and People is a new title from 
Gaon Books, and it is written for a general reading audience. 

Sephardic Jews: History, Religion and People
Ron D. Hart
Santa Fe: Gaon Books. 2016.
ISBN: 9781935604778. Paper. 19.95
294 pages, 25 photographs. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.

Part I      Jews in Spain  —  1.Who is a Sephardic Jew?  2.Forging the 
Andalusian Axis  3.In Muslim al-Andalus  4. In Christian Spain  5. Burgeoning 
Anti-Semitism  6. Inquisition and Expulsion

Part II    Sephardic Diaspora  —  7. Culture and Ritual   8. In the Muslim 
World   9. In Early America   10.The Grand Conspiracy  11.Conversos in New 
Spain  12. Contemporary Latin American Jewish Movement

"Sephardic Jews is a much-welcomed gateway to exploring the cultural and 
religious heritage of this community. Hart’s precise and very readable text 
reveals the complicated journey of Spanish and Portuguese Jews from their 
connections to the biblical era and through the 21st century. Turning its 
pages, one marvels at the instrumental and pivotal contributions that the 
Sephardim made to Spain. The book is simultaneously a brief chronological 
history and artful recounting of the lives of key personages like Damia 
al-Kahina, the Jewish Queen of the Berbers. Yes, Maimonides is here too, but 
more importantly so are carefully selected poems, letters, and life details of 
other Sephardic Jews. Its inclusion of images of synagogues, material culture, 
manuscripts, and people adds a splendid vibrancy to the text. The author also 
thoughtfully delves into the contemporary issues of crypto-Judaism and 
returnees to Judaism in the American Southwest. In short, Sephardic Jews is the 
perfect companion for one’s own journey into this fabled, but living history."
        —Roger Louis Martínez-Dávila, Ph.D. Professor, University of Colorado 
and Universidad de Carlos III de Madrid

 Ron D. Hart is a cultural anthropologist (Ph.D. Indiana University) and 
postdoctoral work in Jewish Studies at the University of Oxford, Centre for 
Hebrew and Jewish Studies where he focused on Jews  in Medieval Spain. He is a 
Research Associate of the Latin American and Iberian Institute at the 
University of New Mexico. Hart has done research on Sephardic traditions in 
Spain, North Africa, and South America with special attention to the Andalusian 
exchange between Jews, Christians, and Muslims. He is former Dean of Academic 
Affairs of InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico. Hart is President of the 
Jewish Community Council of Northern New Mexico and is Chair of the Santa Fe 
Jewish Book Council. He has awards for his work from the New Mexico Jewish 
Historical Society, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Endowment 
for the Arts, the National Science Foundation, Ford Foundation, and Fulbright 
among others. Hart is the co-editor and historical consultant for the 
exhibition, “Fractured Faiths: Spanish Judaism, the Inquisition, and New World 
Identities” at the New Mexico History Museum in Santa Fe (May to December 
2016). His most recent book is Judaism, an introduction to the history and 
practice of Judaism. 

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