Dear Safranim,

My name is David Schlitt, and I am developing Western Washington University 
Libraries' collections in Judaica, Jewish Studies, and Holocaust and Genocide 
Studies. We recently received a large donation of material that is either 
duplicative or out of scope for our collection. I'd like the books to find a 
good home in an appropriate repository. The books we are offering fall into 
three categories:

1)      Jewish Genealogy (reference, family histories, source books) - approx. 
30 items

2)      Western Jewish Americana - approx. 80-90 items

3)      California and the American West (non-Jewish) - approx. 80 items

The books are free, but priority will be given to those willing to trade 
material (either now or in the future).

Please email me for more information, including title lists, and areas in which 
we are seeking to expand our collection.

All the best,

David Morrill Schlitt
(pronouns he, his, him)
Judaica Project Archivist / Visiting Instructor of Yiddish
Western Washington University
MS 9097 | Miller Hall 230
516 High Street | Bellingham, WA 98225<> | 360-650-3091

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