Thanks to all those who have already registered for tomorrow's members-only
roundtable. You still have time to register to join the discussion
tomorrow, Tuesday, October 6. Times: 9:30 am PST; 12:30 pm EST; 5:30 pm
BST; 7:30 pm Israel. The roundtable will be moderated by Haim Gottschalk
(Library of Congress).

Here is what we will be discussing:
At the AJL 2010 conference in Seattle, the keynote speaker, Dr. Joseph
Janes (University of Washington) remarked that while in the past people had
to physically go to the information they were seeking by going to the
library, today the library is available 24/7 and the information comes to
them.  This RAS Roundtable will focus on digital resources. We explore
various facets especially its impact on collection development and

Some general questions to help guide the discussions are:
1.    In considering digital resources, would your library also acquire the
print edition or not - Why and why not?

2.    Considering Open Access - a.  What are the challenges of identifying
and maintaining OA resources? b. In the event that some journals are not
maintained and vanish, is there a back-up plan to replace these journals in
your library?

3.    A philosophical question - the relationship between user/patron and
information - a. Do you think that digital resources has impacted that
relationship or not? b. If we were to compare digital resources to the
introduction of the multi-layer text of the Talmud (Soncino or Bomberg),
would you say the impact is similar or different?

Looking forward to seeing you and to the discussion.
Amalia S. Levi
RAS President
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