We have a copy of this book available to a library (within U.S. only,
please) for the cost of shipping and handling.  The full citation is

William M. Thomson, D.D.
*Southern Palestine and Jerusalem : The Land and The Book or, biblical
illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery,
of the holy land.*  (volume 1).
New York : Harper & Brothers, 1882
xx, 592 pages, 34 unnumbered leaves of plates : illustrations, folded maps
; 24 cm.

The book is in good condition.  Pages appear unmarked and the covers and
binding are in good condition (though there are some library labels and
stamps).   Note: the book is heavy and large and shipping costs may be
substantial (est. $25).

If you have a place for this in your library's collection, first-come-first

Lee Jaffe, Temple Beth El, Aptos (CA)
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