Association of Jewish Libraries Conference - RAS Division Meeting
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
10:45 AM – 11:30 AM
Temple Israel, Boston, MA

1.     Welcome & Call to Order – Rebecca Jefferson
2.     Approval of the June 2017 RAS Division Meeting Minutes (below)
3.     RAS President’s Report
4.     Notes from the Board & Council Meetings
5.     Committee Reports

     *   RAS Cataloging Committee  – Jerry Anne Dickel
     *   Judaica Librarianship  – Rachel Leket-Mor
     *   RAS Bibliography and Reference Awards – Rachel Simon
     *   AJL International Liaison Update - Rebecca Jefferson
6.     Old Business: Rebecca Jefferson

     *   Funding for international participants
     *   Out with the old and in with the new: Introducing new RAS President, 
Michelle Chesner
7.     New Business: Michelle Chesner

     *   Introduction to the new RAS VP: Amalia S. Levi
     *   Call for a new RAS Secretary
     *   New International Liaison needed
     *   New RAS Cataloging Chair: Heidi Lerner
     *   Discussion of new initiatives/foci for the coming term
·         Formal AJS panel (for 2019?)

     *   Other items
·         Sharon Benamou would like to discuss with RAS members UCLA’s new 
initiative to advocate for retrospective conversion of OCLC records to include 
scripts where they do not exist.
8.     Close meeting

This meeting is followed by the General Membership Meeting and Installation of 
the Board, 11.30-12.15 (Chapel).

RAS Minutes: June 20, 2017

  1.  Call to order; approval of minutes
     *   Called to order at 11:16
     *   Michelle moved to approve the minutes, Shmuel seconded, passed
  2.  RAS President’s report – Rebecca Jefferson
     *   Littauer Foundation funding
        *   This year we were awarded $6000, but also told that this is the 
last year of funding. So we need to look into new options for international 
           *   Question of whether the Rothschild Foundation would fund 
Europeans to come to the conference; perhaps we can focus on a training 
program, or AJL chapters in Europe
           *   Daniel recommended moving the bank account to Europe
        *   Rebecca asked for members to join a new committee to focus on 
finding new funding. Please be in touch with her to join this committee
     *   RAS Bibliography and Reference Award funding
        *   Both awards increased to $1500.  Thanks to Dr. Greta Silver and 
Eric Chaim Kline
     *   World Congress of Jewish Studies Conference
        *   We received proposals, but none that came together for a common 
theme for a session, so we opted not to send in a proposal.  We need to start 
the process earlier and focus more on that.
        *   David Hirsch, new International liaison noted that the European 
Congress of Jewish Studies is meeting next July (?) in Krakow. Rachel Simon 
said that the deadline for applications may have already passed.  We should 
look into other conferences as well.
     *   Notes relevant to RAS from Board and Council meetings
        *   Fundraising - we mutually terminated our contract with the previous 
fundraising company (Elevate); are now looking into a new person - we will try 
to work with this person for 3 months (July-September) to see if it’s worth 
continuing to hire a professional fundraiser.
        *   Strategic Plan - 3 (?) year plan came to an end this year, a new 
committee is in place to begin some of the work on the recommendation - looking 
for new members, especially to create a new vision. Reach out to Jackie 
Benefraim if you’re interested in joining the planning group.
           *   Importance of promoting AJL at other conferences as well; papers 
relating to AJL, possibly a booth if relevant.
        *   AJL Affiliation - Jackie said that a final policy has been drafted, 
many organizations identified.
     *   Webinars - we are doing them in conjunction with ALA - there are lots 
of potential topics.  We need presenters!  The goal is to reach librarians who 
work with Judaica (non-specialists)
        *   Rebecca J. - Collection Development
        *   Sheryl S. - Two sessions on cataloging
     *   Next conference in Boston (2018); Jim asked for locations for 2019.  
Boston will probably be a similar situation to NYC.

  1.  Committee Reports
     *   RAS Cataloging Committee  – Jerry Anne Dickel
        *   Romanization FAQ page on the wiki (Jasmin)
        *   Romanization vote of Hebrew words with Greek/Latin roots - new 
policy (deramah is now dramah).  List of words will be maintained on the wiki.
        *   Continued work on editing Hebraica Cataloging for RDA manual.  
Going on hold for a bit while major changes to RDA go through.  Linked on the 
wiki (Jerry Anne is hoping to convert the manual to html so it can reside on 
the wiki)
     *   Judaica Librarianship  – Rachel Leket-Mor
        *   Racheli demonstrated - how you can see the number 
of downloads; importance of sending links rather than PDFs so we can track the 
download count.  Can search the journal, go to specific volumes.  Past issues → 
volume 8 are now up.  It is a huge amount of work to find all of the 
information from the articles (cut and pasting, etc).
           *   Racheli would love volunteers - Jasmin and Uri offered to help.  
Thank you!
           *   Q: Can you sign up to be notified when a new volume comes out?  
A: Yes - there’s an email alert option; Racheli also announces on Hasafran when 
they come out.
           *   Map showing downloads - 118 in the last week; 21K total!
           *   Authors get notifications of how many people downloaded their 
articles as well.
           *   Next issue: even bigger issue, great articles, and a new column 
for reviews of digital humanities projects in Jewish Studies.  Should be 
available as soon as possible.
           *   New call for papers will come out in July (for v.21, 2019)
           *   Sheryl noted that Hasafran and the membership list are not the 
same, and that we should send out notifications to the membership list as well.
     *   RAS Bibliography and Reference Awards – Rachel Simon
        *   Rachel thanked all the committee members
        *   We had 6-7 reference works; gave award to the Comprehensive 
Yiddish-English Dictionary - they will be joining us at the awards lunch
        *   Please send us nominations for awards!
     *   AJL International Liaison – David Hirsch
        *   Difficulty for international members is the English-only nature of 
the organization
        *   We would like to support international chapters (such as Latin 
America).  David will be at the Latin American Jewish Studies Association 
conference in Mexico - it’s every other year, but often conflicts with AJL or 
ALA (next one in Buenos Aires)
        *   David spoke to Vanessa Freedman about a possible joint event for 
the UK librarians.
        *   David is also pursuing potential activities in Israel
        *   France: Sara Yontan told David that most French librarians don’t 
call themselves “Judaica” librarians (Yiddish; Hebraica)
        *   Amsterdam: Emile Schrijver referred David to the Rachels at the 
        *   Vilnius is another option for us.
        *   David will also be in touch with Brad Sabin Hill to talk about 
international possibilities
        *   Russia: Contact at the Jewish Library in St. Petersberg
        *   Group in Germany/Austria/Hungary (Renate will send info)
        *   Q: What about IFLA? A: Large bureaucracy; Although David Gilner 
presented there once.  The Vilnius library was represented there.
        *   Q: What does “do something” mean?  Have a panel/session at a 
conference overseas; joint activity.
        *   Contact David for more info!
  2.  Old Business
     *   Update on last year’s idea for new AJL award  – Rebecca Jefferson
  3.  New Business: possible points of discussion
     *   Call for a new ATLA Liaison
     *   World Congress of Jewish Studies Conference – ensuring AJL presence
     *   Finding alternative funding sources for AJL’s international attendees
     *   Do we need an RAS Division Listserv?
     *   Other ideas/questions?
  4.  Close meeting
     *   Nancy moved to adjourn; Rachel S. seconded, meeting closed at 11:59.

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