
Related to your research is the following:

Turtle Graphics in Miranda
by Eniko Bogdan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Turtle Graphics program is written in Miranda version 2.009 (Nov.
1989), a pure functional language.  Turtle Graphics is an interactive
program and it prompts for turtle commands.  Turtle commands help to
produce drawings which are displayed on a visual interface. Turtle
Graphics consists on moving the turtle on the screen, producing
geometric designs. A geometric design is a sequence of connected
lines, whose symmetry and regularity provokes the user investigate
deeper in geometry and number theory.

A not so "pure" extension of SML of New Jersey with asynchronous I/O from 
CMU (I will try to dig out some refs) is also worth investigating.


Dimitris Phoukas                __o        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VLSI Research Group           _`\<,_       The ViRTUE project
University of Windsor        (*)/ (*)      Ontario N9B 3P4, CANADA

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