Re: [GHC] #4040: Eq instance for Data.Data.DataType

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4040: Eq instance for Data.Data.DataType -+-- Reporter: Eelis-| Owner: Type: feature request | Status: new Priority: normal| Component:

[GHC] #4042: Order of declarations affects the correctness of reported error.

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4042: Order of declarations affects the correctness of reported error. -+-- Reporter: ChrisN| Owner: Type: bug | Status: new

Re: [GHC] #4040: Eq instance for Data.Data.DataType

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4040: Eq instance for Data.Data.DataType -+-- Reporter: Eelis-| Owner: Type: feature request | Status: new Priority: normal| Component:

[GHC] #4043: Parsing of guards, and type signatures

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4043: Parsing of guards, and type signatures --+- Reporter: igloo |Owner: Type: bug| Status: new Priority: normal |

Re: [GHC] #1007: Add parsing (and some more) to the time package

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#1007: Add parsing (and some more) to the time package --+- Reporter: bring...@… | Owner: Type: proposal | Status: closed Priority:

Re: [GHC] #2035: New version of getModificationTime

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2035: New version of getModificationTime --+- Reporter: felixmar | Owner: Type: proposal | Status: closed Priority: normal |

Re: [GHC] #2316: Add Applicative instances for all MTL Monads

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2316: Add Applicative instances for all MTL Monads +--- Reporter: sjanssen | Owner: Type: proposal | Status: closed Priority: normal |

Re: [GHC] #2430: Fix bug 1985

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2430: Fix bug 1985 +--- Reporter: dbenbenn | Owner: Type: proposal | Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Not GHC

Re: [GHC] #2532: Add Typeable instance to Data.Unique

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2532: Add Typeable instance to Data.Unique -+-- Reporter: japple | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone:

Re: [GHC] #2646: Expand folding options for Sets and Maps

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2646: Expand folding options for Sets and Maps +--- Reporter: sedillard | Owner: Type: proposal | Status: closed Priority: normal |

Re: [GHC] #2659: Add sortOn and other *On functions

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2659: Add sortOn and other *On functions -+-- Reporter: twanvl | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone:

Re: [GHC] #2660: Add Down newtype wrapper for reversing orderings

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2660: Add Down newtype wrapper for reversing orderings -+-- Reporter: twanvl | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority: normal |

Re: [GHC] #2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2717: Add nubWith, nubOrd -+-- Reporter: Bart Massey | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Not GHC

Re: [GHC] #2736: Add bool to Data.Bool

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2736: Add bool to Data.Bool -+-- Reporter: guest | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Not GHC

Re: [GHC] #3058: Add a 'hex' function to the pretty printing

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3058: Add a 'hex' function to the pretty printing -+-- Reporter: TomMD | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority:

Re: [GHC] #3298: Add swap to Data.Tuple

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3298: Add swap to Data.Tuple -+-- Reporter: r6 | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Not GHC

Re: [GHC] #3036: Max/Min Monoids

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3036: Max/Min Monoids -+-- Reporter: whpearson | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Not GHC

Re: [GHC] #3304: define gcd 0 0 = 0

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3304: define gcd 0 0 = 0 -+-- Reporter: stevec | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Not GHC

Re: [GHC] #3362: Adding a newtype EndoCategory to Control.Category

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3362: Adding a newtype EndoCategory to Control.Category -+-- Reporter: r6 | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority: normal |

Re: [GHC] #3399: Generalize the type of Data.List.{deleteBy, deleteFirstsBy}

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3399: Generalize the type of Data.List.{deleteBy, deleteFirstsBy} -+-- Reporter: iago| Owner: Type: proposal| Status: closed Priority: normal

Re: [GHC] #3995: Comment delimiters ignored inside compiler pragma

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3995: Comment delimiters ignored inside compiler pragma --+- Reporter: heatsink |Owner: igloo Type: bug| Status: new Priority: normal |

Re: [GHC] #3995: Comment delimiters ignored inside compiler pragma

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3995: Comment delimiters ignored inside compiler pragma --+- Reporter: heatsink |Owner: Type: bug| Status: new Priority: normal |

Re: [GHC] #4032: Missing -I flag for windres on Windows

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4032: Missing -I flag for windres on Windows -+-- Reporter: batterseapower|Owner: igloo Type: bug | Status: patch Priority: normal|

Re: [GHC] #4042: Order of declarations affects the correctness of reported error.

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4042: Order of declarations affects the correctness of reported error. --+- Reporter: ChrisN |Owner: Type: bug| Status: new

Re: [GHC] #4042: Order of declarations affects the correctness of reported error.

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4042: Order of declarations affects the correctness of reported error. --+- Reporter: ChrisN |Owner: Type: bug| Status: new

Re: [GHC] #4042: Order of declarations affects the correctness of reported error.

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4042: Order of declarations affects the correctness of reported error. --+- Reporter: ChrisN |Owner: Type: bug| Status: new

Re: [GHC] #4033: Path to TOP not escaped correctly when creating Config.hs in annrun01 test

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4033: Path to TOP not escaped correctly when creating Config.hs in annrun01 test -+-- Reporter: batterseapower|Owner: igloo Type: bug | Status: patch Priority:

Re: [GHC] #3446: Library enhancement request: Data.Maybe.justIf

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3446: Library enhancement request: Data.Maybe.justIf -+-- Reporter: nomeata | Owner: Type: proposal| Status: new Priority: normal |

[GHC] #4044: Compilation of my ghc tree with ghc-6.12.2 -dcore-lint fails.

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4044: Compilation of my ghc tree with ghc-6.12.2 -dcore-lint fails. ---+ Reporter: milan | Owner: Type: bug | Status: new

Re: [GHC] #4044: Compilation of my ghc tree with ghc-6.12.2 -dcore-lint fails.

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4044: Compilation of my ghc tree with ghc-6.12.2 -dcore-lint fails. ---+ Reporter: milan | Owner: Type: bug | Status: new

[GHC] #4045: Ghc panics 'ASSERT failed! file compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs line 318' when compiling my ghc tree.

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4045: Ghc panics 'ASSERT failed! file compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs line 318' when compiling my ghc tree. ---+ Reporter: milan | Owner: Type: bug | Status:

Re: [GHC] #4045: Ghc panics 'ASSERT failed! file compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs line 318' when compiling my ghc tree.

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4045: Ghc panics 'ASSERT failed! file compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs line 318' when compiling my ghc tree. ---+ Reporter: milan | Owner: Type: bug | Status:

Re: [GHC] #3758: Huge regression in concurrent app performance and reliability under threaded runtime

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3758: Huge regression in concurrent app performance and reliability under threaded runtime ---+ Reporter: bos |Owner: simonmar Type: bug | Status: infoneeded

Re: [GHC] #3810: Problems in core lib haddocks

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3810: Problems in core lib haddocks --+- Reporter: igloo |Owner: Type: bug| Status: new Priority: high |Milestone:

Re: [GHC] #3791: SplitObjs fails on sparc with GNU ld

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3791: SplitObjs fails on sparc with GNU ld ---+ Reporter: duncan |Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority: normal |Milestone: 6.12.3

Re: [GHC] #3817: mangler fails with gcc-4.3.x and gcc-4.1.2 on sparc; suggest disabling -fvia-C

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3817: mangler fails with gcc-4.3.x and gcc-4.1.2 on sparc; suggest disabling -fvia-C -+-- Reporter: duncan|Owner: Type: bug | Status: new

Re: [GHC] #2458: Unknown symbol `_environ' on MacOS X

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2458: Unknown symbol `_environ' on MacOS X -+-- Reporter: IgorBoehm | Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: 6.12.3

Re: [GHC] #2924: createDirectory: permission denied

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#2924: createDirectory: permission denied +--- Reporter: simonmar |Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority: high |

Re: [GHC] #3070: floor(0/0) should not be defined

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3070: floor(0/0) should not be defined -+-- Reporter: carette |Owner: squadette Type: bug | Status: new Priority: normal|Milestone:

Re: [GHC] #3181: Regression in unboxing

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3181: Regression in unboxing +--- Reporter: dolio|Owner: Type: bug | Status: infoneeded Priority: normal |

Re: [GHC] #3222: GLFW 0.3 build fails w/ SSE error in 6.10.3, works in 6.10.1

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3222: GLFW 0.3 build fails w/ SSE error in 6.10.3, works in 6.10.1 ---+ Reporter: GregFrascadore |Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority: normal

Re: [GHC] #3543: -fext-core doesn't force recompilation when .hcr file doesn't exist

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3543: -fext-core doesn't force recompilation when .hcr file doesn't exist -+-- Reporter: tim |Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority:

Re: [GHC] #3554: ASSERT failed! file TcMType.lhs line 349

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3554: ASSERT failed! file TcMType.lhs line 349 +--- Reporter: simonmar |Owner: chak Type: bug | Status: new Priority: normal

Re: [GHC] #3571: Bizzarely bloated binaries

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3571: Bizzarely bloated binaries -+-- Reporter: guest |Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority: normal|Milestone: 6.12.3

Re: [GHC] #3696: Incorrect type inferred with -fwarn-missing-signatures and a type class

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3696: Incorrect type inferred with -fwarn-missing-signatures and a type class +--- Reporter: spl |Owner: Type: bug |

Re: [GHC] #3711: Bad error reporting when calling a function in a module which depends on a DLL on Windows

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3711: Bad error reporting when calling a function in a module which depends on a DLL on Windows ---+ Reporter: fasta | Type: bug Status: new | Priority: normal

Re: [GHC] #3725: Annotations not written to interface files

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3725: Annotations not written to interface files -+-- Reporter: rl|Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority: normal|Milestone: 6.12.3

Re: [GHC] #3756: Missing -lz option in testsuite

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3756: Missing -lz option in testsuite +--- Reporter: | Type: bug Status: new| Priority: normal Milestone: 6.12.3 | Component:

Re: [GHC] #3770: getting docs out of windows distro

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3770: getting docs out of windows distro --+- Reporter: denis| Owner: Type: feature request | Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone:

Re: [GHC] #3782: Data Parallel Impossible happened compiler error

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3782: Data Parallel Impossible happened compiler error --+- Reporter: guest |Owner: rl Type: bug| Status: new Priority: high

Re: [GHC] #3795: Haddock executable not versioned

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3795: Haddock executable not versioned -+-- Reporter: lpsmith |Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority: high |Milestone: 6.12.3

Re: [GHC] #3859: Problems with toClockTime on NetBSD

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3859: Problems with toClockTime on NetBSD -+-- Reporter: igloo |Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority: normal|Milestone:

Re: [GHC] #3867: ghc: panic! (linkBCO: = 64k ptrs)

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3867: ghc: panic! (linkBCO: = 64k ptrs) -+-- Reporter: archgrove |Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority: normal

Re: [GHC] #3871: Missing reference in manpage

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3871: Missing reference in manpage -+-- Reporter: marcotmarcot |Owner: Type: bug | Status: new Priority: normal|Milestone: 6.12.3

Re: [GHC] #3935: buggy libffi

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#3935: buggy libffi --+- Reporter: guest| Owner: igloo Type: bug | Status: closed Priority: high | Milestone: 6.14.1

Re: [GHC] #4033: Path to TOP not escaped correctly when creating Config.hs in annrun01 test

2010-05-04 Thread GHC
#4033: Path to TOP not escaped correctly when creating Config.hs in annrun01 test -+-- Reporter: batterseapower|Owner: igloo Type: bug | Status: merge Priority:

standalone binary deriving

2010-05-04 Thread Ben
compiling the following fragment in ghci {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} import Data.Binary (Binary) newtype Pair a b = Pair (a,b) deriving instance (Binary a, Binary b) = Binary (Pair a b) results in the following message: Prelude :load

Re: Parallel Haskell: 2-year project to push real world use

2010-05-04 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy
On 04/05/2010, at 11:10, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen wrote: * Ben Lippmeier [04.05.2010 02:21]: You can certainly create an array with these values, but in the provided code it looks like each successive array element has a serial dependency on the previous two

Re: Parallel Haskell: 2-year project to push real world use

2010-05-04 Thread Christian Höner zu Siederdissen
* Roman Leshchinskiy [04.05.2010 10:02]: On 04/05/2010, at 11:10, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen wrote: * Ben Lippmeier [04.05.2010 02:21]: You can certainly create an array with these values, but in the provided code it looks like each

Re: Parallel Haskell: 2-year project to push real world use

2010-05-04 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy
On 04/05/2010, at 18:37, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen wrote: * Roman Leshchinskiy [04.05.2010 10:02]: On 04/05/2010, at 11:10, Christian Höner zu Siederdissen wrote: Here is a description of a parallel

[Haskell] 2nd Call for Papers: VSTTE workshops on Theory and on Experiments Tools

2010-05-04 Thread Gudmund Grov
-- Apologies for multiple copies -- VSTTE 2010: Workshops on Theories, Tools and Experiments Edinburgh, Scotland, 19th August 2010 The Third International Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments (VSTTE) is part of the Verified Software

[Haskell] Latest Haskell Platform for Windows (2010.1.0.0) does not seem to include C++ support

2010-05-04 Thread Jeremy O'Donoghue
Hi list, I've just been helping out a wxHaskell user who has been having problems installing the latest wxHaskell on Windows 7 with the latest haskell Platform. As background, wxHaskell contains a substantial C++ wrapper which is normally compiled from the Cabal script. On Windows machines, this

[Haskell] Re: Latest Haskell Platform for Windows (2010.1.0.0) does not seem to include C++ support

2010-05-04 Thread Maciej Piechotka
On Tue, 2010-05-04 at 12:53 +0100, Jeremy O'Donoghue wrote: Hi list, I've just been helping out a wxHaskell user who has been having problems installing the latest wxHaskell on Windows 7 with the latest haskell Platform. As background, wxHaskell contains a substantial C++ wrapper which is

[Haskell] ANN: has-0.4 Entity based records

2010-05-04 Thread HASHIMOTO, Yusaku
Hello, I'm pleased to announce the release of my new library, named has, written to aim to ease pain at inconvinience of Haskell's build-in records. With the has, You can reuse accessors over records to write generic function, combine records with another. Repository is at GitHub:

Re: [Haskell] Latest Haskell Platform for Windows (2010.1.0.0) does not seem to include C++ support

2010-05-04 Thread Malcolm Wallace
realgcc.exe: installation problem - cannot exec 'cc1plus': no such file or directory On checking, Haskell Platform\2010.1.0.0\mingw\libexec\gcc \mingw32\3.4.5 does not contain cc1plus.exe. Previous versions of the platform have done so. Is this an accidental change or a deliberate policy

Re: [Haskell] Latest Haskell Platform for Windows (2010.1.0.0) does not seem to include C++ support

2010-05-04 Thread Neil Mitchell
Hi On checking, Haskell Platform\2010.1.0.0\mingw\libexec\gcc\mingw32\3.4.5 does not contain cc1plus.exe. Previous versions of the platform have done so. Is this an accidental change or a deliberate policy decision? ghc-6.12.1 on Windows did not include the mingw C++ compiler.  This was a

[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: happstack-hamlet: compile-time HTML templates for the Haskell application server stack

2010-05-04 Thread Jeremy Shaw
Hello, I am pleased to announce the availability of happstack-hamlet: Happstack is a web application development framework. Hamlet provides HTML templates

Re: Haskell 2010 libraries

2010-05-04 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 10:42 +0100, Simon Marlow wrote: Here are some options: 3. allow packages to shadow each other, so haskell2010 shadows base. This is a tantalising possibility, but I don't have any idea what it would look like, e.g. should the client or the

Re: Haskell 2010 libraries

2010-05-04 Thread Duncan Coutts
On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 10:42 +0100, Simon Marlow wrote: Hi Folks, I'm editing the Haskell 2010 report right now, and trying to decide what to do about the libraries. During the Haskell 2010 process the committee agreed that the libraries in the report should be updated, using the current

Re: Haskell 2010 libraries

2010-05-04 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
On May 4, 2010, at 05:09 , Duncan Coutts wrote: On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 10:42 +0100, Simon Marlow wrote: Bear in mind these goals: we want to a. support writing code that is Haskell 2010 only: it only uses Haskell 2010 language features and modules. b. not break existing code as far as

Re: Haskell 2010 draft report

2010-05-04 Thread Simon Marlow
On 30/04/2010 17:58, Sean Leather wrote: I'd appreciate a few more eyes over this, in particular look out for messed up typesetting as there could still be a few bugs lurking. In the HTML version, there are a few cases where section numbers are missing from the subsection headers in

Re: Haskell 2010 draft report

2010-05-04 Thread Simon Marlow
On 01/05/2010 13:18, Ian Lynagh wrote: On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 05:05:17PM +0100, Simon Marlow wrote: I've completed most of the edits to the Haskell 98 report for Haskell 2010, modulo the changes to the libraries that we still have to resolve. I cleaned up various other things I discovered

Re: Haskell 2010 draft report

2010-05-04 Thread Simon Marlow
On 02/05/2010 13:57, Ian Lynagh wrote: On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 05:05:17PM +0100, Simon Marlow wrote: I'd appreciate a few more eyes over this, in particular look out for messed up typesetting as there could still be a few bugs lurking. In the PDF: p129-137: A program can only contain a

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and scripting

2010-05-04 Thread minh thu
2010/5/4 Limestraël ... Minh, Kyle, Gwern, the dyre approach seems to be very interesting too. But if I understood well, we also have to recompile at run-time the configuration haskell script? So the final application (Yi, for instance) will need GHC to be installed to

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Interest in a Mathematics AI strike force ?

2010-05-04 Thread Carter Schonwald
I'd be quite interested in this sort of project . Please keep me in the loop, -Carter On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Alp Mestanogullari wrote: Ok guys, Ivan takes care of graphs =) Note that it's more about computational mathematics, for things one would do for example with

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Learning about Programming Languages (specifically Haskell)

2010-05-04 Thread Kyle Murphy
Alright, here's my attempt to add comments, although once again it seems like the choice of algorithm in this example is a little wierd. By checking the output I was able to determine that it results in True for values of n*n-1, but why exactly that is I can't really figure out at the moment. If I

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strict type system allows for a maximum number of programming errors to be caught at compile time.

2010-05-04 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy
On 04/05/2010, at 13:30, Luke Palmer wrote: On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Kyle Murphy wrote: The fact that it doesn't is proof enough that there's a problem with it even if that problem is simply that the types you're using aren't exactly correct. Further, I'd argue that

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and scripting

2010-05-04 Thread Limestraël
A complete language needs a complete implementation. No, Minh, I was not talking about re-implementing a whole Lisp/Scheme language interpreter in Haskell. (I know there is BTW a Scheme interpreter made in Haskell : But what

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Cabal-install: bus error

2010-05-04 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen
On 5/3/10 23:46, Jason Dagit wrote: This happened to a co-worker on her mac. We used gdb to track the bus errors to the network library. Once we tracked it down to there, we did some combination of deleting $HOME/.cabal, building/installing the latest version of Network and then relinking

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Installing ghc in an OpenSolaris Zone

2010-05-04 Thread Günther Schmidt
Hello Lars, did you happen to manage ghc-6.10.4 in a zone? I suspect there are some packages I failed to install into the zone, but I'm not certain. Günther Am 29.04.10 23:19, schrieb Lars Viklund: On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 09:14:50AM +0200, Christian Maeder wrote: Günther Schmidt

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and the Software design process

2010-05-04 Thread John Lato
From: Rafael Cunha de Almeida Ivan Miljenovic disse: On 3 May 2010 14:17, aditya siram wrote: I'm a little confused about this too. I've seen many functions defined like: f x = (\s - ...) which is a partial function

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and the Software design process

2010-05-04 Thread Casey McCann
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:09 AM, Limestraël wrote: Are there other methods than Maybe or exceptions to handle the errors in Haskell? Is the monad Error(T) useful? I believe the usual Error monad is just (Either e), with Left indicating failure. It's the same idea as Maybe,

[Haskell-cafe] Set Operations In Haskell's Type System

2010-05-04 Thread John Creighton
This is partly a continuation from: and Also of relevance:

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Interest in a Mathematics AI strike force ?

2010-05-04 Thread John Creighton
I know that someone has created a Haskell interpreter for lisp. Perhaps this could server as a starting pointing to creating a translator between lisp and haskell. This is relevant with regards to computer algebra because the computer algebra system Maxima is written is lisp. Their is also a

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and the Software design process

2010-05-04 Thread John Lato
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Limestraël wrote: 2010/5/4 John Lato Crashing at the point of the error isn't necessarily useful in Haskell due to lazy evaluation.  The code will crash when the result of the partial function is evaluated, which may be

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Set Operations In Haskell's Type System

2010-05-04 Thread Bartek Ćwikłowski
hello, 2010/5/4 John Creighton I will continue to try to solve the problem on my own but at the moment I'm able to get IsSuperSet to work but not the classes Isa, Child and IsSubSet to work. Unlike set theory IsSubSet is not the same as switching the order arguments in

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Interest in a Mathematics AI strike force ?

2010-05-04 Thread Alp Mestanogullari
This is a very interesting idea. I consider it to be a long shot compared to just writing haskell code to perform these tasks, so I don't think it's a priority, except if someone is willing to work on this. But I'd already be quite satisfied with a more complete and uniform framework for

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: has-0.4 Entity based records

2010-05-04 Thread HASHIMOTO, Yusaku
Hello, I'm pleased to announce the release of my new library, named has, written to aim to ease pain at inconvinience of Haskell's build-in records. With the has, You can reuse accessors over records to write generic function, combine records with another. Repository is at GitHub:

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: has-0.4 Entity based records

2010-05-04 Thread Luke Palmer
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:18 AM, HASHIMOTO, Yusaku wrote: Hello, I'm pleased to announce the release of my new library, named has, written to aim to ease pain at inconvinience of Haskell's build-in records. Hmm, nice work, looks interesting. With the has, You can reuse

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and the Software design process

2010-05-04 Thread John Lato
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote: Yes, but I think that it is also important to distinguish between cases where an error is expected to be able to occur at runtime, and cases where an error could only occur at runtime *if the programmer

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: has-0.4 Entity based records

2010-05-04 Thread HASHIMOTO, Yusaku
Hello I'm pleased to announce the release of my new library, named has, written to aim to ease pain at inconvinience of Haskell's build-in records. Hmm, nice work, looks interesting. Thanks! You can use the has in three steps (without counting installation). 1. Write {-# OPTIONS_GHC

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: has-0.4 Entity based records

2010-05-04 Thread HASHIMOTO, Yusaku
I uploaded new version ( of this package with proper pragmas. On 5 May 2010 02:00, HASHIMOTO, Yusaku wrote: Hello I'm pleased to announce the release of my new library, named has, written to aim to ease pain at inconvinience of Haskell's build-in records. Hmm,

[Haskell-cafe] Is anyone using Haddock's support for frames?

2010-05-04 Thread David Waern
Hi Since version 2.4.0 Haddock has generated HTML output that uses frames (index-frames.html) in addition to the normal output. We'd like to deprecate this feature unless there is a significant amount of users. The reason is two-fold: * We probably want to replace the frames with something

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and the Software design process

2010-05-04 Thread Kyle Murphy
This whole thing seems to be touching on something I saw recently and was quite interested in. I found a site talking about static contract checking in Haskell, unfortunately I can't seem to find it now, but this paper (

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and the Software design process

2010-05-04 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
I definitely like that idea. :-) Is this similar to the notion of dependent types? Cheers, Greg On May 4, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Kyle Murphy wrote: This whole thing seems to be touching on something I saw recently and was quite interested in. I found a site talking about static contract

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Is anyone using Haddock's support for frames?

2010-05-04 Thread Thomas Schilling
I think it will no longer be needed once Haddock outputs table-less layout code. Frames caused problems with the back-button, so they weren't really an improvement. A simple CSS float:right + smaller font on the div containing the index would be a lot better. I think it would be best to keep

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and the Software design process

2010-05-04 Thread Casey McCann
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote: I definitely like that idea.  :-)  Is this similar to the notion of dependent types? That's where things tend to wind up eventually, yes. Although, with Haskell as it stands, a great deal of unused information

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell and the Software design process

2010-05-04 Thread Edward Kmett
The papers are available here: But in general you can say things like the following: (Dana Xu uses a slightly different notation that I can never remember). sorted :: Ord a = [a] - Bool sorted [] = True sorted [x] = True sorted (x:xs) = x head xs

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Is anyone using Haddock's support for frames?

2010-05-04 Thread Sean Leather
* We probably want to replace the frames with something more modern (like a sidebar on the same page) in the future * We are rewriting the HTML backend and it would be nice to avoid unnecessary work So if you're using this feature and want to keep it, please speak up! Somewhat OT, but

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Is anyone using Haddock's support for frames?

2010-05-04 Thread David Waern
2010/5/4 Sean Leather Somewhat OT, but is there a place where we can request/review features in the new HTML presentation of Haddock. Are there any mockups of what the pages might look like? I've had some ideas pop around my head every time I look at documentation. ;)

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