Hello! :) I want to write a simple application, using the Repa library as a
university project, but I don't know much about Haskell. I'm using Windows,
so I downloaded and installed Haskell platform for Windows, then I run in
the command prompt cabal update, then cabal install cabal-install and then
cabal install repa and everything seemed fine. Then I put this script

import qualified Data.Array.Repa as R
:m +Data.Array.Repa

into the file "file.hs", opened WinGHCi and loaded the file, and then
evaluated it, but what I get is:

Could not find module `Data.Array.Repa'
Perhaps you meant
Data.Array.Base (from array-
Data.Array.IO (from array-
Data.Array.ST (from array-
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Failed, modules loaded: none.

I read that "This happens when you install a package globally, and the
previous packages were installed locally. Note that cabal-install install
locally by default and the "runhaskell Setup" commands install globally by
default.", but I think that I installed Repa locally, not globally.

Also ghc-pkg list repa says:

WARNING: cache is out of date: C:/Program Files/Haskell
Platform/2012.4.0.0\lib\package.conf.d\package.cache use 'ghc-pkg recache'
to fix. C:/Program Files/Haskell Platform/2012.4.0.0\lib\package.conf.d:

And after executing recache, I get the same.

Please help me to fix this issue and to be able to use the library.
Thank you very much in advance for your time and goodness!
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