->Given that layout has been used in Miranda, Haskell, etc., to determine
->when one thing ends and another begins, it might be worth trying the
->same idea within expressions.  The suggestion is that any subexpression
->that contains no white space but is surrounded by white space has
->implied parentheses around it.  Hence 
->      f x!i 
->would parse as 
->      f (x!i)

I think this would be a _big_ mistake.

Using layout to provide grouping in a language should be _very_
carefully. Using indentation to provide grouping is a good idea,
because it's very easy to see the grouping for a reader - much easier
than it would be with symbols providing the groups. But to make the
insertion of a space in an expression so significant, I think is a
very bad idea. It's not clear looking at an expression what the
grouping is, if spaces create implied parens. The extra verbosity of
the parens is necessary for the human reader.


|| Mark Craig Carroll: <MC>     ||"In all seriousness of truth, hear this:
|| Univ of Delaware, Dept of CIS|| without the It, one cannot live. But
|| Grad Student/Labstaff Hacker || whoever lives with It alone is not
|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]             || human" - _I_and_Thou_, by Martin Buber

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