[Haskell] Phd/PostDoc position on linear types and session types

2018-04-10 Thread Peter Thiemann
until the position is filled. The starting date is negotiable. Check our research webpage http://proglang.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/research/ or the DBLP publication profile http://dblp.dagstuhl.de/pers/hd/t/Thiemann:Peter for more information. Best regards -Peter Thiemann

[Haskell] Call for Contributions - Workshop on Programming Languages and Computing Concepts (in German)

2018-03-29 Thread Peter Thiemann
Workshop on Programming Languages and Computing Concepts May 2-4, 2018, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef Deadline for abtracts: April 13, 2018 I'd like to draw your attention to a German workshop with Haskell-related topics. It's an informal workshop with an emphasis on presenting ongoing and timely


2012-03-28 Thread Peter Thiemann
-CHAIRS = - Tom Schrijvers (Ghent University, Belgium) - Peter Thiemann (University of Freiburg, Germany) CONFERENCE SPONSORS === - Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST) SIGPPL - Information Science and Technology Center, Kobe University

[Haskell] PLAN-X 2008 Deadline approaching

2007-10-15 Thread Peter Thiemann
SchwartzbachUniversity of Aarhus, Denmark Jérôme Vouillon CNRS, France Ioana Manolescu (general chair) Gemo group, INRIA Futurs, France Peter Thiemann (program chair) University of Freiburg, Germany ___ Haskell mailing list Haskell@haskell.org

Re: Talking with the compiler

2004-01-20 Thread Peter Thiemann
Hello Simon, Am 18.01.2004 um 11:31 schrieb Ketil Malde: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hans Nikolaus Beck) writes: in order to build a programming environement, it would be nice to ask the GHC about symbols etc found in a given Haskell program. I suppose

echoing of getChar, getLine, getContents

2003-09-22 Thread Peter Thiemann
The report states about getChar, getLine, and getContents: By default, these input functions echo to standard output. In version 1.3 of the report, it used to continue Functions in the I/O library provide full control over echoing. Apparently, this has been removed and the I/O library

Use of H98 FFI

2003-08-01 Thread Peter Thiemann
I recently had my first exposure to Haskell's FFI when I was trying to compute MD5 and SHA1 hashes using the existing C implementations. In each case, the idea is to make the hash function available as function md5 :: String - String However, the naive implementation md5_init md5_state

Re: Use of H98 FFI

2003-08-01 Thread Peter Thiemann
Derek == Derek Elkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Derek Derek Except that I would probably mapM_ over a list of chunks, I don't Derek see what the problem is with your second version of the code is. The second version allocates memory like crazy, so much that the pokeByteOff and

fun with sockets (ghc-5.04.1)

2003-03-11 Thread Peter Thiemann
Hi, I'm running into a problem using server code (running on a UNIX domain socket) that I basically snatched from Simon Marlow's web server: ++ mainLoop sock defUser getMs = do putStrLn Accepting connections...

Re: Yet another weakly defined bug report

2003-02-13 Thread Peter Thiemann
Hi Ketil, I know your problem all too well. If you are sure that you need all of the file's content, then you should read it all from the start. I've found this little function handy and I'm using it all over the place: readFileStrictly :: FilePath - IO String readFileStrictly filePath = do h

Re: Time since the epoch

2003-02-12 Thread Peter Thiemann
George So while I started typing this thinking it was a straight George choice between Peter's monotonicity/invertibility and the George fact that my system corresponds better to natural usage, George Peter doesn't even have monotonicity or invertibility. Yes, I also realized

Re: time since the epoch

2003-02-11 Thread Peter Thiemann
Stefan == Stefan Karrmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Stefan Peter Thiemann (Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 12:40:14PM -0800): John's code illustrates TimeDiff's deficiencies perfectly: There is also a more fundamental problem with the TimeDiff data type. While seconds, minutes

Re: time since the epoch

2003-02-11 Thread Peter Thiemann
SM I wrote a reply, but I don't really have anything new to say over what's SM been said already, so I'll keep it brief instead. The copy of ISO8601 SM that I looked at is here: SM http://www.astroclark.freeserve.co.uk/iso8601/index.htm, but from what SM you said I'm guessing

Re: Time since the epoch

2003-02-11 Thread Peter Thiemann
George OK, what TimeExts does, I hope, is add the appropriate amount of the appropriate George time unit (whatever it is) directly, then rely on the CalendarTime conversions to George resolve any overflows. This probably isn't very clear, George so I'll give some examples of

Re: time since the epoch

2003-02-10 Thread Peter Thiemann
SM TimeDiff isn't a duration, it's a way of specifying time offsets whose SM duration depends on the base to which the offset is being added. If we SM only had constant-duration offsets, then there would be no way to say SM give me a ClockTime for this time next Wednesday.

Re: FiniteMap performance WITHOUT any copying?

2003-02-10 Thread Peter Thiemann
Perhaps you should look at the Clean languages, which is similar to Haskell, but has a feature called uniqueness typing. Using the type system, you can figure out the information that you are asking for and as far as I know, their implementation is optimzed in the manner you want. In fact, their

Re: time since the epoch

2003-02-07 Thread Peter Thiemann
SM == Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ha! After playing with this, I discovered that only the seconds were set and all other fields remained untouched. At least in ghc's implementation. Interestingly, TimeDiff derives Eq and Ord, but I'd better not ask for their

Re: sockets (ghc-5.04.1)

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Thiemann
Volker, I only saw your answer today since it was filed in my Haskell-mailing-list folder. Indeed, I've moved on to import Network.Socket and then duplicated part of my code. One thing that I found annoying was that the Protocol argument of Network.Socket.socket is not well specified. The type

Re: time since the epoch

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Thiemann
I've been running into similar problems, and I've also been pointed to the TimeExt library that George Russell was talking about. However, in the end, I had to implement something by myself. Much unfortunately though, my program relies on an undocumented feature of GHC's implementation of TimeDiff

sockets (ghc-5.04.1)

2003-01-15 Thread Peter Thiemann
Hi, I have a program that uses INET sockets and I wanted to change it to use Unix domain sockets. Here is the relevant code: import Network withSocketsDo $ do sock - listenOn portID (h, hostname, portnumber) - accept sock while this code works fine with portID = PortNumber (toEnum 9099)

RE: openFile and threads

2003-01-10 Thread Peter Thiemann
Hi, one thing that I gleaned from Matthias's strace output is the fcntl system calls to obtain the locks. They are not really needed for my application and could be avoided using the POSIX library. However, this does not seem to be a big issue just from the cost of the system calls, because

openFile and threads

2003-01-09 Thread Peter Thiemann
Folks, here is the piece of code that takes most of the time in a program I have: f6 = {-# SCC f6 #-}\gumd - let fileName = usermetadir ++ gumd in catch (do h - {-# SCC f6.1 #-} openFile fileName ReadMode str - {-# SCC f6.2 #-} hGetLine

ghc -M

2002-12-09 Thread Peter Thiemann
Folks, after using ghc --make happily in a project for a while I am switching to using Makefiles since I have a number of Main programs in the same directory that share a lot of modules. Now, since ghc -M does such a great job at gobbling up the dependencies, I wonder if it was not possible to

MD5 in Haskell

2002-11-10 Thread Peter Thiemann
Folks, there used to be a Haskell implementation of MD5 and other cryptographic hashes available on http://c93.keble.ox.ac.uk/~ian/haskell/ Unfortunately, this URL seems to be obsolete (I cannot access it and it does not come up in Google anymore). If anybody out there still holds on to a copy

TIP'02: Call for Participation

2002-06-12 Thread Peter Thiemann
-chair] Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University, Japan Eugenio Moggi, University of Genova, Italy Zhong Shao, Yale University, USA Peter Thiemann, Universität Freiburg, Germany [co-chair] Joe Wells, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland ___ Haskell

Announcement: WASH/CGI 1.0

2002-04-25 Thread Peter Thiemann
WASH/CGI Web Authoring System for Haskell WASH/CGI is an embedded DSL for server-side Web scripting based on the purely functional programming language Haskell. Its implementation is based on the portable common gateway interface (CGI) supported

PEPM'02 -- call for participation

2001-12-03 Thread Peter Thiemann
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 2002 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM'02) Portland, Oregon, USA, January 14-15, 2002 (colocated with POPL'02)

Robustness of instance Read Char

2001-10-16 Thread Peter Thiemann
Folks, my code has unwillingly been forced to read a large string generated by show. This turned out to be a robustness test because the effect is a stack overflow (with Hugs as well as with GHC) and, of course, this error happened in a CGI script. If you want to try the effect yourself, just

PEPM'02: Final Call for Papers

2001-09-17 Thread Peter Thiemann
University, Sweden) Mark Jones (OGI, USA) Siau-Cheng Khoo (NUS, Singapore) Jakob Rehof (Microsoft Research, USA) João Saraiva(University of Minho, Portugal) Ulrik Schultz (University of Aarhus, Denmark) Peter Thiemann (University of Freiburg, Germany, chair


2001-07-03 Thread Peter Thiemann
University, Sweden) Mark Jones (OGI, USA) Siau-Cheng Khoo (NUS, Singapore) Jakob Rehof (Microsoft Research, USA) João Saraiva(University of Minho, Portugal) Ulrik Schultz (University of Aarhus, Denmark) Peter Thiemann (University of Freiburg, Germany, chair

library module Directory

1998-11-25 Thread Peter Thiemann
Directory.doesFileExist returns True for directories on FreeBSD-2.2.5 built from source distribution. The library report says: The doesFileExist and doesDirectoryExist operations return True if the corresponding file or directory exists. The operations can be used to test whether a file-path

Re: type error, why?

1998-10-26 Thread Peter Thiemann
"Alex" == S Alexander Jacobson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Alex I wrote the following function that attempts to generalize show by Alex allowing the user to choose the function to stringify constructor Alex arguments. stringArgs' sep stringer1 (MyFoo x i s) = x' ++sep++i'

Re: type error, why?

1998-10-26 Thread Peter Thiemann
Alex In other words, you are saying that I want a feature, first class Alex polymorphism, that is now available in Hugs1.3c and from the docs, Alex GHC4.0?. Yes. Alex Since I am doing development in Hugs 1.4, I guess the question is when Alex will Hugs1.4 have this feature

Re: Haskell 98

1998-10-26 Thread Peter Thiemann
"Hans" == Hans Aberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: It's not different logical entities, all occurrences of f are variables. Hans Different occurrences of f have different semantic meaning (that is, the Hans "f" in one place is not the same as the "f" in another place). All I'm

Re: Structure of monads in an abstract form?

1998-07-06 Thread Peter Thiemann
"Hans" == Hans Aberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hans Koen Claessen wrote: I think you can "encode", or "mimick" every monad by the following type, which is the monad of continuations: type M a = (a - Action) - Action unit :: a - M a unit a = \cont - cont

Re: Damas-Milner, Hindley-Milner, ...

1997-10-15 Thread Peter Thiemann
Frank Briefly, what is the difference between Damas-Milner and Hindley-Milner Frank typing? Are they different inferencing algorithms, or is it something like Frank the notion of principal types is due to Damas and Milner whereas the Frank inferencing algorithm itself is due to

Re: Modules and interfaces

1995-09-26 Thread Peter Thiemann
Hi all, as I am also a former sufferer from Modula-2's module system I'd like to support Manuel's opinion. But we do not need to reinvent the wheel, Wirth already corrected some problems with modules in M-2 in the design of Oberon! The idea is that each module is just *one* piece of human

Compression in Haskell need not need lots of space

1995-02-17 Thread Peter Thiemann
It should be possible to implement Huffman encoding in such a manner that only the Huffman tree is permanently in memory. But you need to read the input file twice: you cannot encode the first character of your input until the entire tree has been constructed. And to construct the tree you