As part of a larger program I have created the following functions to convert a list of bits into the integer represents, also to simplify things the order of the bits is reversed [1,1,0,1] represents 1011 (or 13). At the moment the frombin function below works fine.


type Bit = Int


frombin :: [Bit] -> Int

frombin xs = sum (tonum xs)


tonum :: [Bit] -> [Bit]

tonum [] = []

tonum (n:ns) = (n:(tonum (map (*2) ns)))


However why when I try the function below does it not work in Hugs?


frombin :: [Bit] -> Int

frombin [] = 0

frombin (n:ns) = sum (n:( frombin (map (*2) ns)))


Is this surely not just a combination of the two?


Any help would be much appreciated








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