I've implemented Chris Okasaki's random-access list[1] which provides
typical list operations (cons, head, tail) in O(1) and yet offers
indexed random-access in O(log n). It's uploaded on hackage[2].
It's still an early version which I'll extend, but especially at this
eary stage I'd
Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
2. War stories from real life. eg "In company X in 2004 they rewrote their
application in Haskell/Caml with result Y". Again, for my purpose I can't tell very
long stories; but your message can give a bit more detail than one might actually give in
a presenta
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Hi Haskellers,
the paper "Data Parallel Haskell: a status report" (Chakravarty,
Leshchinskiy, Peyton Jones, Keller and Marlow) is an important source of
my seminar handout about skeletons and parallelisation. It contains code
samples concerning the Ar