Portugal) - General Chair
* Joost Visser (Software Improvement Group, The Netherlands) - Industry Chair
* Vadim Zaytsev (Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands) - Publicity Chair
Scientific committee
* Bram Adams (École Polytechnique de Montréal)
* Benoit Baudry (INRIA)
k, UK)
- Publication Co-Chair: Javier Troya (Technische Universität Wien, Austria)
- Social Media and Publicity Chair: Vadim Zaytsev (Universiteit van
Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Web Chair: Francesco Basciani (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy)
- Local: Massimo Tivoli, Romina Eramo, Lud
ho, Portugal) — local
arrangements and registration
Vadim Zaytsev (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands) —
publicity chair
Haskell mailing list