I am interested in pursuing practical development of persistence in Haskell.
To this end I have been looking for code/systems which have been developed
previously to build upon - not wishing to reinvent the wheel.

I have found some references in the literature but have been enable to track
down any "artefacts".

I was hopping someone could help me.

I have found:
(1) Efficient Persistent Haskell, Tony Davie, Kevin Hammond, and Juan
Quintela Division of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, 1998

(2) Models for Persistence in Lazy Functional Programming Systems, McNally,
University of St Andrews, 1993.

(3) A Functional Database (1989)  (Correct)  Phil Trinder

(4) Two Models For Integrating Persistence and Lazy Functional Languages
(1991) David J. McNally, Antony J.T. Davie

(5) Realizing State-Based Database Concepts in a Non-Strict, Statically
Typed, Purely Functional Persistent Programming Language  Yoshihiko Ichikawa
Department of Information Sciences, Ochanomizu University  

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