Re: More questions

1993-05-17 Thread jhf
| More questions along the same lines as for n+k: | | Does == in the pattern match translation refer to == in PreludeCore? | | Does negate in the translation of -e refer to negate in PreludeCore? | | -- Lennart I recall that we did decide that such references to standard functions in the

Re: Layout

1993-04-21 Thread jhf
| Oh ye Haskell wizards. Is the following program syntactically legal | or not? | | x = leta = let { b=1; | c=2 | } in 3 | in 4 | | I.e. is the layout rule from an outer scope in effect even inside | explicit brackets? Obviously, this needs clarification. There

Re: a note on the Haskerl extension to Haskell [long]

1993-04-01 Thread jhf
I know it's late in the day for most of you (or already tomorrow), but a colleague of mine here at Los Alamos has made a suggestion I just have to pass along: Will Partain writes |We might then match against a list of Foos (type "[Foo]") as follows: | |case expr of | /^{Foo1 _ {4}}({Foo

Re: a note on the Haskerl extension to Haskell

1993-04-01 Thread jhf
David Wakeling writes |Yes, Certainly. Here at York we have a small electrical hoist in one of the |Departmental stairwells which is used for lifting expensive and delicate |equipment onto the upper floor of the building. As part of an experiment in |real time functional programming, I wrote a Ha

Re: re. A Good Story

1993-04-01 Thread jhf
|>Paul Hudak writes: |>For every bad story there is a good one. | |For every bad story there are two good ones. Recently, a local |hospital suffered many malpractice suits due to faulty software in |their X-Ray machine. So, they decided to rewrite the code in Haskell |for more reliabili

Re: a note on the Haskerl extension to Haskell [long]

1993-04-01 Thread jhf
| Lennart Augustsson (Chalmers) writes, "I haven't started adding | Haskerl to LML/HBC, but it shouldn't take long. By FPCA definitely." As Lennart was heard decrying excessive monadery as recently as September, I'm pleased to hear he's gotten on the bandwagon. That he's given himself over two

Re: Arrays and general functions

1992-09-23 Thread jhf
Ken Sailor writes | Reginald Meeson writes | | > Interesting discussion, but it seems to me that Haskell already | > provides the best of both worlds, namely | | > a. Efficient implementation of arrays as data objects, with indexing | > as a projection function; and | | (Actually, efficien

Re: Haskell I/O

1992-09-15 Thread jhf
|From: "Shah Namrata Abhaykumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |Subject: Haskell I/O | |I am trying to understand I/O in haskell. I have trouble understanding |how it is referentially transperant ? |Consider that main is, | |main resps = [req1,req2,req3,req4] | where req1 =

Re: relative precedence of ! and function application

1992-08-07 Thread jhf
|Given that layout has been used in Miranda, Haskell, etc., to determine |when one thing ends and another begins, it might be worth trying the |same idea within expressions. The suggestion is that any subexpression |that contains no white space but is surrounded by white space has |implied parent

Re: relative precedence of ! and function application

1992-08-06 Thread jhf
| Array notation conventions aside, I think the simple rule that normal | application has higher precedence than infix application is a Big Win. | Perhaps the committee should have introduced special syntax for arrays, | but that was simply not palatable to most of the members, even though | it wa

Re: N.K.Anil

1992-05-29 Thread jhf
| paul Hudak in his 'gentle introduction to haskell" says that a where clause | is allowed only at the top level of a set of equations or case expression. | | So you cannot declare | let | f x = z / y where z = x + y | in | | I do not know the reason why this restri

Re: I/O

1992-03-17 Thread jhf
| Tonny Davie says | | Evan Ireland says | | > As Nigel and I have | > pointed out to numerous people (including Haskell committee members), the | > statement that stream I/O cannot be efficiently emulated by continuation I/O i | > true only if the continuation model being used is lacking in cert

Re: Array Indexing

1992-03-02 Thread jhf
| ! It is the responsibility of the programmer to enforce bounds | ! checking when required in non-derived instances of class @Ix@. | ! An implementation is not required to check that an index | ! lies within the bounds of an array when accessing that array. | | The above is fine by me, but here i

Re: The last (sic) bug in the Prelude

1992-02-27 Thread jhf
Let me try that again: rationalToRealFloat:: (RealFloat a) => Rational -> a rationalToRealFloat x = x' where x'= f e f e = if e' == e then y else f e' where y = encodeFloat (round (x * (b%1)::(-e)) e (_,e') = decod

Re: The last (sic) bug in the Prelude

1992-02-27 Thread jhf
Folks, Here's an attempt at rationalToRealFloat (formerly known as rationalToFloating): rationalToRealFloat:: (RealFloat a) => Rational -> a rationalToRealFloat x = x' where x'= f e f e = if e' == e then y else f e' where y = encodeFloat (ro

Re: Enum bugs in 1.2.beta

1992-02-27 Thread jhf
|At the last minute, I have found some Enum bugs in 1.2.beta. |As I don't know if they have been fixed in 1.2.gamma, which |I guess was circulated yesterday, here they are: Thanks, Mikael. | 1) According to the specification (section 3.9), the | value of | | [ 7, 7 .. 3 ] |

Re: unzip

1992-02-25 Thread jhf
|The new unzip* functions in 1.2 are not suitable for unzipping an |infinite list. (What Phil called "A splitting headache".) |Is this deliberate or a mistake? I'd like them to be lazier. A mistake, thanks. I've fixed it. --Joe "I hate ^-patterns" Fasel

Re: The Great Integer Division Controversy

1992-02-24 Thread jhf
Folks, Kent has pointed out to me that the Haskell's use of `div` for truncating, as opposed to flooring, division is incompatible with both SML and Miranda, whereas neither Scheme nor Common Lisp have a function by that name. (Scheme calls it "quotient".) I am willing to change `div` to `quo`

Re: exit in PreludeIO

1992-02-23 Thread jhf
|The function "exit" in PreludeIO would suit its purpose better if: | (a) It wrote to "stderr" rather than "stdout", | (b) It followed the error message with a newline. |Easy and quick to change! What do people think? (Especially Paul |and Joe.) -- P Sounds right to me. Paul? -

Re: The Great Integer Division Controversy

1992-02-21 Thread jhf
Folks, There was a small omission in the Integral declaration I just sent; the first line should be class (Real a, Ix a) => Integral a where Similarly, the Real declaration begins class (Num a, Enum a) => Real a where This is from Mikael Rittri's proposal. --Joe

The Great Integer Division Controversy

1992-02-21 Thread jhf
Folks, Here is my decision about `div` and friends: I've decided to back off from the proposal to incorporate Common Lisp's capabilities, since it's probably just too much stuff to consider in such a short timeframe. (I also suspect that the Scheme designers correctly decided that the CL stuff w

Re: take and drop

1992-02-20 Thread jhf
Simon, For some reason, I can't find the relevant messages about this, but my recollection is that during the 1.1 revision (maybe earlier) the Glaswegians discussed length and friends and recommended that I do just what was done: making the result of length specifically Int, but leaving take, dro

Re: Division, remainder, and rounding functions

1992-02-17 Thread jhf
|Your definition of divFloorRem (and probably divCeilingRem as well) |doesn't seem to be quite right, because I end up with | (-4) `mod` (-3) == -4 |because divTruncateRem (-4) (-3) is (1,-1). | |The condition in the "if" should be something like | signum r == -signum d |rather than r<

Division, remainder, and rounding functions

1992-02-14 Thread jhf
Folks, Kent Karlsson has asked that we reconsider what integral division and remainder functions we have in Haskell. To do this right, I think we need to consider the integral coercion ("rounding") functions, as well. To remind everyone of the background on this issue, there is a basic problem

Re: Haskell Report 1.2

1992-02-12 Thread jhf
|Joe writes: |> [My simple syntax for LHSes] doesn't cover things like |> |> (f .* g) x y = f (g x y) | |and proposes a syntax which is the same as my simple proposal, |but covers exactly this also. | |> lhs ::= (var | @(@ ilhs @)@) apat+ |> | ilhs |> | pat |> |> ilhs ::= pat{i+1} varo

Re: Haskell Report 1.2

1992-02-12 Thread jhf%chaco . c3 . lanl . gov
|Syntax |~~ |* Left-hand side syntax. PROPOSED DECISION: go with Kevin's suggestion. |It is simple, does not require modification if we abandon n+k patterns, and |nobody has objected to it. Kevin has implemented it, and John Peterson |(our other implementor) agrees. All agree that the prese