Dear Haskellers, 

The Committee [1] manages funds for and oversees infrastructure.  

The funds available to generally come from two sources: 1) Mentor 
payments from the Google Summer of Code program. 2) Since the end of 2013, 
occasional donations [2] from the Haskell community at large. Our funds are 
held by Software in the Public Interest, a 501(c)3 US non-profit, through which 
we also accept donations. In return for its services, SPI receives 5% of 
donations to 

According to our charter, "Each year, the committee will post a statement of 
the assets, and the transactions for that year.” We apologize for 
having been delinquent in this regard. 

Included in this message is a brief statement of assets over the 
period 31 December 2013 - 31 December 2014, as well as an approximate breakdown 
of expenses. The statements we receive from the SPI are not in the most usable 
format [3], and we hope to provide more accurate accounting in the future. Note 
that this statement does not reflect 2014 GSoC income, as that had not posted 
as of 31 December 2014. Thus the fact that we are in the black this year is 
entirely due to your generous donations. Thank you all so much! 

1. Income and Expenses 
  Total income over 2014: 5,187.00 
  Total expenses over 2014: 2,523.22 
  Net income over 2014: 2,663.78 

2. Expense breakdown 
    Approximate monthly hosting fees (Hetzner): 160.00 
    Total approximate hosting fees: 1920.00 
    Other approximate expenses: 603.22 
    (Other expenses consist of A] payment processing fees for received funds 
      B] the 5% of donated funds transferred to the SPI). 

3. Total Balance 
Balance as of 31 December 2013: 23,759.13 
Balance as of 31 December 2014: 26,422.91 

[3] Those wishing to examine further for themselves can find the reports posted 
to the spi-general list: 

Gershom Bazerman 
for the Committee 

Haskell mailing list

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