
6th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2013)
Oct 26-28, 2013, Indianapolis, IN, USA
(Co-located with SPLASH 2013 and GPCE 2013)

General chair:
        Eric Van Wyk, University of Minnesota, USA

Program co-chairs:
        Martin Erwig, Oregon State University, USA
        Richard Paige, University of York, UK

Keynote speaker:
        Don Batory, University of Austin, USA



Deadline for abstracts:   June    7, 2013 (Midnight UTC-8, Pacific Standard 
Deadline for full papers: June   14, 2013 (Midnight UTC-8, Pacific Standard 
Notification to authors:  August  3, 2013
Camera-ready copies due:  August 16, 2013
Conference:          October 26 -28, 2013


We solicit the following types of papers:

-   Research papers: These should report a substantial research contribution
to SLE or successful application of SLE techniques or both. Full paper
submissions must not exceed 20 pages (in LNCS format).

-   Industrial experience papers: These papers discuss practical applications
of SLE technology with an emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of the
method, techniques, or tools used. These papers must not exceed 10 pages (in
LNCS format).

-   Tool demonstration papers: Because of SLE's ample interest in tools, we
seek papers that present software tools related to the field of SLE. These
papers will accompany a tool demonstration to be given at the conference.
These papers must not exceed 10 pages (in LNCS format). The selection criteria
include the originality of the tool, its innovative aspects, the relevance of
the tool to SLE, and the maturity of the tool.

Papers are submitted via the Easychair system:



The term "software language" refers to artificial languages used in software
development. These include general-purpose programming languages,
domain-specific languages, modeling and metamodeling languages, data models
and ontologies. Examples include general purpose modeling languages such as
SysML and UML, metamodeling frameworks such as Ecore, MOF or GOPRR,
domain-specific modeling languages for business process modeling, such as
BPMN, or embedded systems, such as Simulink or Modelica, and specialized
XML-based and OWL-based languages and vocabularies. The term "software
language" is intentionally broad; besides the above categories and examples,
it also encompasses implicit approaches to language definition, such as APIs
and collections of design patterns.

Software language engineering is the application of systematic, disciplined,
and measurable approaches to the development (design, implementation, testing,
deployment), use, deployment, and maintenance (evolution, recovery, and
retirement) of these languages. Of special interest are (1) formal
descriptions of languages that are used to design or generate language-based
tools and (2) methods and tools for managing such descriptions, including
modularization, refactoring, refinement, composition, versioning,
co-evolution, recovery, and analysis.


We solicit high-quality contributions in the area of SLE ranging from
theoretical and conceptual contributions to tools, techniques, and frameworks
that support the aforementioned lifecycle activities. The topics of interest
include, but are not limited to the following:

-   Formalisms used in designing and specifying languages, and tools that
analyze language descriptions

-   Language implementation techniques: compiler generator tools, attribute
grammar systems, term-rewriting systems, functional programming-based
combinator libraries; metamodel-based and ontology tools implementing
constraint, rule, view, transformation, and query formalisms and engines.

-   Transformations and transformation languages, as well as program and model
transformation tools, and approaches for mapping between ontologies.

-   Language evolution: Included are extensible languages and type systems and
their supporting tools and language conversion tools, approaches for ontology
evolution, approaches for impact analysis of language evolution.

-   Approaches to the elicitation, specification, and verification of
requirements for software languages: Examples include the use of requirements
engineering techniques in domain engineering and in the development of
domain-specific languages and the application of logic-based formalisms for
verifying language and domain requirements.

-   Language development frameworks, methodologies, techniques, best
practices, and tools for the broader language lifecycle covering phases such
as analysis, testing, and documentation. For example, frameworks for advanced
type or reasoning systems, constraint mechanisms, tools for metrics collection
and language usage analysis, assessing language usability, documentation
generators, visualization backends, generation of tests for language-based
tools, knowledge and process management approaches, as well as IDE support for
many of these activities are of interest.

-   Integration and interoperation between different approaches to software
language engineering; for example, ways to integrate grammar-based and
ontology-based approaches to language definition.

-   Design challenges in SLE: Example challenges include finding a balance
between specificity and generality in designing domain-specific languages,
between strong static typing and weaker yet more flexible type systems, or
between deep and shallow embedding approaches, as, for example, in the context
of adding type-safe XML and database programming support to general-purpose
programming languages.

-   Applications of languages including innovative domain-specific languages
or "little" languages: Examples include policy languages for security or
service-oriented architectures, web-engineering with schema-based generators
or ontology-based annotations. Of specific interest are the engineering
aspects of domain-specific language support in all of these cases.

The program committee chairs encourage potential contributors to contact them
with questions about the scope and topics of interest of SLE. The overall
principle of SLE is to be broad-minded and inclusive about relevance and
scope, and to invest in community building when soliciting and selecting


Emilie Balland, INRIA, France
Olaf Chitil, University of Kent, UK
James R. Cordy, Queen's University, Canada
Davide Di Ruscio, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy
Iavor Diatchki, Galois Inc., USA
Anne Etien, LIFL - University of Lille 1, Fance
Jean-Marie Favre, University of Grenoble, Fance
Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada
Andy Gill, University of Kansas, USA
Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
Jeff Gray, University of Alabama, USA
Giancarlo Guizzardi, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil
Gorel Hedin, Lund University, Sweden
Markus Herrmannsdoerfer, Technische Universität München, Germany
Zhenjiang Hu, NII, Japan
Oleg Kiselyov, USA
Paul Klint, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands
Thomas Kuehne, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Kim Mens, UC Louvain, Belgium
Pierre-Etienne Moreau, Ecole des Mines Nancy, France
Klaus Ostermann, Marburg University, Germany
Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Fiona Polack, Dept of Computer Science, University of York, UK
Lukas Renggli, University of Bern, Switzerland
Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
João Saraiva, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Friedrich Steimann, Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany
Gabriele Taentzer, Marburg University, Germany
Mark Van Den Brand, TU/e, The Netherlands
Jurgen Vinju, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands

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