Some suggestions:

   Abelson, Sussman and Sussman, _The Structure and Interpretation of
     Computer Programs_.
     especially chapter 3 about the costs and benefits of introducing
   Barendregt's _The Lambda Caclulus_
   or his paper: _The impact of the lambda calculus_, at:    

   have you found The Haskell Bookshelf?

John Atwood

Christopher Jeris wrote:
> Hi Haskellers,
> Could you suggest a good place for me to learn enough real CS theory to
> understand the issues and reasons behind the design and implementation of
> Haskell ?  My background is in pure mathematics (not logic -- differential
> geometry and stuff) and most of the books I have consulted are either too
> advanced for me from a CS theory viewpoint, or spend an awfully long time
> explaining stuff like set theory to computer scientists without as much
> math background.  I'm having trouble finding a happy medium.
> thanks,
> Chris Jeris (sometime MIT math grad student, maybe again later)

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