----- Original Message ----- 
From: Marita Wojdak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: donderdag 1 juni 2000 16:58
Subject: Fw: Fatima 10

> God love you,
> Marita
> Helpers of Our Lady Queen of Peace
> http://web.frontier.net/cgallagher
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Doug&Marianne Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <vgalleg
> Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 1:03 AM
> Subject: Fatima 10
> > Jacinta's Visions Of The Holy Father
> >
> > One day we spent our siesta down by my parents' well. Jacinta sat on the
> stone
> > slabs on top of the well. Francisco and I climbed up a steep bank in
> search of
> > wild honey among the brambles in a nearby thicket. After a little while,
> Jacinta
> > called out to me: "Didn't you see the Holy Father?"  "No".  "I don't know
> how it
> > was, but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table,
> with
> > his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping. Outside the house, there
> > were many people. Some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing
> him
> > and using bad language. Poor Holy Father, we must pray very much for him."
> >
> > I have already told you, how one day two priests recommended us to pray
> for
> > the Holy Father, and explained to us who the Pope was. Afterwards Jacinta
> > asked me: "Is he the one I saw weeping, the one Our Lady told us about
> > in the secret?"   "Yes, he is", I answered.  "The Lady must have shown him
> also
> > to those priests. You see, I was not mistaken. We need to pray a lot for
> him".
> >
> > At another time, we went to the cave called Lapa Cabeco. As soon as we got
> there,
> > we prostrated on the ground, saying the prayers the Angel had taught us.
> After
> > sometime, Jacinta stood up and called to me: "Can't you see all those
> highways
> > and roads and fields full of people, who are crying with hunger and have
> nothing
> > to eat? And the Holy Father in a church praying before the Immaculate
> Heart
> > of Mary? And so many people praying with him?"
> >
> > Some days later, she asked me: "Can I say that I saw the Holy Father and
> all
> > those people?"  "No! Don't you see that that's part of the secret? If you
> do
> > they'll find out straight away."  "All right! Then I'll say nothing at
> all."
> >
> > Visions of War
> >
> > One day, I went to Jacinta's house to spend a little while with her. I
> found her
> > sitting on her bed, deep in thought. "Jacinta, what are you thinking
> about?"
> > "About the war that is coming. So many people are going to die, and almost
> > all of them are going to hell!  Many homes will be destroyed and many
> priests
> > will be killed. Look I am going to Heaven, and as for you, when you see
> the
> > light which the Lady told us would come one night before the war, you run
> > up there too."
> >
> > "Don't you see that nobody can just run up to Heaven!"  "That's true, you
> cannot!
> > But don't be afraid!  In Heaven I will be praying hard for you, for the
> > Holy Father, for Portugal, so that the war will not come here, and for all
> the
> > priests."
> >
> > Your Excellency is not aware that a few years ago, God manifested that
> sign,
> > which astronomers chose to call an aurora borealis. I don't know for
> certain,
> > but I think if they investigated the matter, they would discover that, in
> the
> > form in which it appeared, it could not possibly had been an aurora
> borealis.
> > Be that as it may, God made use of this to make me understand that His
> justice
> > was about to strike the guilty nations. For this reason, I began to plead
> insistently
> > for the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays, and the
> consecration
> > of Russia. My intention was to obtain mercy and pardon, not only for the
> whole
> > world but for Europe in particular.
> >
> > When God, in His infinite mercy, made me feel that the terrible moment was
> > drawing near, Your Excellency may recall how, whenever occasion offered,
> > I took the opportunity of pointing out, I still say that the prayer and
> penance
> > which have been done in Portugal, have not yet appeased the Divine
> Justice,
> > for they have not been accompanied by either contrition or amendment. I
> hope
> > that Jacinta is interceding for us in Heaven.
> >
> > As I said in the notes I sent about the book called Jacinta, she was most
> deeply
> > impressed by some of the things revealed to us in the secret. Such was the
> case
> > with the vision of hell and the ruin of so many souls who go there, or
> again,
> > the future war with all its horrors which seemed to be always present to
> her
> > mind. These made her tremble with fear. When I saw her deep in thought,
> and
> > asked her: "Jacinta, what are you thinking about?" She frequently replied:
> > "About the war which is coming, and all the people who are going to die
> and
> > go to hell! How dreadful! If they would only stop offending God, then
> there
> > wouldn't be any war and they wouldn't go to hell!"
> >
> > Sometimes, she also said to me: "I feel so sorry for you! Francisco and I
> are going
> > to Heaven, and you're going to stay here for a while longer. When the war
> comes,
> > do not be afraid. In heaven, I'll be praying for you."
> >
> > Shortly before she went to Lisbon, at one of those times when she felt sad
> at the
> > thought of our coming separation. I said to her: "Don't be upset because I
> can't
> > go with you. You can then spend your time thinking of Our Lady and Our
> Lord,
> > and saying many times over those words you love so much: 'My God, I love
> You!
> > Immaculate Heart of Mary, Sweet Heart of Mary' and so on."
> >
> > "Yes, indeed" she eagerly replied, "I'll never get tired of saying those
> words until
> > I die! And then, I can sing them many times over in Heaven!"
> >
> > Lucia Explains Her Silence
> >
> > It may be, Your Excellency, that some people think that I should have made
> known
> > all this some time ago, because they consider that it would have been
> twice
> > as valuable years before hand. This would have been the case, if God had
> willed to
> > present me to the world as a prophetess. But I believe God had no such
> intention,
> > when He made known these things to me. If that had been the case, I think
> that
> > in 1917, when He ordered me to keep silent, and this order was confirmed
> by
> > those who represented Him, He would on the contrary, have ordered me to
> speak.
> > I consider then, Your Excellency, that God willed only to make use of me
> to remind
> > the world that it is necessary to avoid sin, and to make reparation to an
> offended
> > God, by means of prayer and penance.
> >
> > Where could I have hidden myself in order to escape from innumerable
> questions
> > they would have asked me about such matters? Even now I am afraid, just
> > thinking of what lies a head of me! And I must confess that my repugnance
> > in making this known is so great that, although I have before me the
> letter
> > in which Your Excellency orders me to write everything else that I can
> remember,
> > and I feel  convinced that this is indeed the hour that God has chosen
> > for my doing this, I still hesitate and experience a real inner conflict,
> not knowing
> > whether to give you what I have written, or to burn it. As yet I do not
> know
> > what will be the outcome of the struggle. It will be as God wills.
> >
> > For me keeping silent has been a great grace. What would have happened
> > had I described hell? Being unable to find words which exactly express
> > the reality- for what I say is nothing and gives only a feeble idea of it
> all. I
> > would therefore had said, now one thing, now another, wanting to explain
> > but not succeeding in doing so. I might thus perhaps have caused such a
> confusion
> > of ideas as even to spoil, who knows, the work of God. For this reason, I
> > give thanks to the Lord, and I know that He does all things well.
> >
> > God usually accompanies His revelations with an intimate and detailed
> understanding
> > of their significance. But I do not venture to speak of this matter, for
> fear of
> > being led astray, as can all to easily happen, by my own imagination.
> Jacinta
> > seemed to have this understanding to quite a remarkable degree.
> >
> > Jacinta And The Immaculate Heart Of Mary
> >
> > A little while before going to hospital, Jacinta said to me: "It will not
> be long now
> > before I go to Heaven. You will remain here to make known that God wishes
> to
> > establish in the world devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. When you
> > are to say this, don't go and hide. Tell everybody that God grants us
> graces through
> > the Immaculate Heart of Mary; that people are to ask Her for them; and
> that
> > the Heart of Jesus wants the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be venerated at
> His
> > side. Tell them also to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace,
> since
> > God has entrusted it to Her. If I could only put into the hearts of all,
> the fire
> > that is burning within my own heart, and that makes me love the Hearts of
> Jesus
> > and Mary so very much!"
> >
> > One day, I was given a holy picture of the Heart of Jesus, quite a nice
> one, as
> > man made pictures go. I took it to Jacinta: "Do you want this holy
> picture?"
> > She took it, looked at it attentively and remarked: "It's so ugly! It
> doesn't look
> > like Our Lord at all. He is so beautiful! But I want it; it is He just the
> same."
> > She always carried it with her. At night and during her illness, she kept
> it under
> > her pillow, until it fell apart. She kissed it frequently, saying: "I kiss
> the Heart
> > because I love it most! How I would love to have a Heart of Mary! Don't
> you
> > have one? I would love to have the two together."
> >
> > On another occasion, I brought her a picture of a chalice with a host. She
>  took
> > it and kissed it and radiant with joy she exclaimed: "It is the Hidden
> Jesus! I
> > love Him so much! If only I could receive Him in Church! Don't they
> receive
> > Holy Communion in Heaven? If they do, then I will go to Holy Communion
> > every day. If only the Angel would go to the hospital to bring me Holy
> Communion
> > again, how happy I would be!"
> >
> > Sometimes, on returning from church, I went into see her, and she asked
> me:
> > "Did you receive Holy Communion?" And if I answered in the affirmative,
> she
> > said: "Come over here close to me, for you have the hidden Jesus in your
> heart."
> > At other times she told me: "I don't know how it is! But I feel Our Lord
> within
> > me. I understand what He says to me, although I neither see Him nor hear
> Him,
> > but it is so good to be with Him!"
> >
> > On another occasion, she remarked: "Look, do you know this? Our Lord is
> sad,
> > because Our Lady told us not to offend Him anymore, for He is already very
> > much offended; yet nobody takes any notice, and they continue to commit
> the
> > same sins!"
> >
> >
> > There, Your Excellency, is everything else I can remember about Jacinta,
> > and which I don't think I have already said before. The meaning of all I
> say is exact.
> > And regards the manner of expressing myself, I do not know if I have
> exchanged
> > one word for another, as for example, when we spoke of Our Lady: sometimes
> > we said Our Lady, sometimes we said the Lady. And now I do not remember
> > which of the two phrases we used at a given time. It is the same with a
> few other
> > small details, which I think are only  of minor importance.
> >
> > I offer to Our Good God and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, this little
> work,
> > which is the fruit of my poor and humble submission to those who represent
> > Him in my regard. I beg Them to make it fruitful for their glory and the
> good
> > of souls.
> >
> > Notes:
> >
> > There are two points of importance in relation to the third memoir of
> Sister Lucia.
> > Sister Lucia affirms that the Consecration made by John Paul 11, in union
> with the
> > Bishops, on 25th March 1984, corresponded to the request of Our Lady and
> > was accepted by Heaven. She confirmed that a numerical union of all the
> Bishops
> > was not required, that a moral union was sufficient.
> >
> > In a vision by the Blessed Virgin to Lucia at Pontevedra on the 10th of
> December
> > 1925, Our Lady fulfilled Her promise to come back made during the
> apparitions
> > of 1917. On the 13th of June, 1929, Lucia had a further vision at Tuy,
> where Our Lady
> > asked for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.
> Unfortunately, the
> > consecration was not done when Our Lady asked for it to be done, and
> therefore Russia had already spread her errors, before the Consecration was
> made. Also that Communion of Reparation has not been fulfilled.
> >
> > It could not be said that Lucia's prophecies were post eventum, simply
> because
> > Lucia's superiors released her manuscripts for publication only after the
> events
> > which had been announced in them. These manuscripts were in fact, already
> composed prior to the events taking place.
> >

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