(Apologies for multiple copies)

(Second) Call for Papers

Workshop on
Intersection Types and Related Systems (ITRS '02)

Copenhagen, Denmark
Friday, July 26 2002


Co-located with FLoC '02,
the third Federated Logic Conference
to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark
(July 22 to August 1 2002)

Submission of papers: Sunday, April 7 2002
Notification of acceptance: Thursday, April 25 2002
Workshop: Friday, July 26 2002

Intersection type disciplines originated in 1980 to overcome the
limitations of Curry's type assignment system and to provide a
characterisation of the strongly normalising terms of the Lambda
Calculus. Since then, intersection types disciplines were used
in a series of papers for characterising evaluation properties
and semantics.

Types also support reliable reasoning in many areas such as logic,
programming languages, linguistics, etc. A _polymorphic_ type
stands for some number of instance types, and the use of type
systems for non-trivial purposes generally requires polymorphic
types. In this context, roughly speaking, intersection types
could be seen as to provide type polymorphism by listing type
instances. This differs from the more widely used ("forall")
quantified types, which provide type polymorphism by giving a type
scheme that can be instantiated into various type instances.
(A similar relationship holds between union types and existential
types, the duals of intersection types and universal types.)

Although intersection types were initially intended for use in
analyzing and/or synthesizing lambda models as well as in analyzing
normalization properties, over the last twenty years the scope of
theoretical research on intersection types has broadened. Recently,
there have been a number of breakthroughs in the use of intersection
types (and similar technology) for practical purposes such as program

The ITRS '02 workshop will be held to bring together researchers
working on both the theory and practice of systems with intersection
types and related systems (e.g., union types, refinement types,
etc.). The workshop will last one full day and will contain a long
talk by each invited speaker, a panel discussion, and a short
(approx. 25 minutes) talk for each accepted paper.

Researchers are invited to submit original papers on topics in the
spirit of the workshop. Possible topics for submitted papers
include, but are not limited to:

* Formal properties of systems with intersection types: principal
typings, normalization properties (for normal forms, head-normal
forms, weak head-normal forms, etc.), type inference algorithms.

* Results for clearly related systems, e.g., systems with union
types, refinement types, or singleton types.

* Connections with not-so-clearly related approaches such as
abstract interpretation and constraints.

* Applications to lambda calculus and similar systems, e.g.,
denotational semantics, analysis/synthesis of lambda models
(domains), characterization of operational properties, etc.

* Applications for programming languages, e.g., program analysis
(flow, strictness, totality, etc.), accurate type error
messages, increased flexibility with static typing, separate
compilation and modularity, optimizing transformations, types
for objects, etc.

* Applications for other areas, e.g., database query languages,
program extraction from proofs, type systems for natural

Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

50 Euro for the workshop; an additional 80 Euro will be charged
to participants who haven't registered for one of the main FLoC
conferences (but only once, not per workshop)

Steffen van Bakel (Chair) (Imperial College, London, UK)
Franco Barbanera (Universita` di Catania, Italia)
Mario Coppo (Universita` di Torino, Italia)
Luca Roversi (Universita` di Torino, Italia)
Lyn Turbak (Wellesley College (MA) USA)
Pawel Urzyczyn (Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polska)
Joe Wells (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh,

TOPIC: A submitted paper must describe work that does not
substantially overlap with work that has been previously published
or is currently being considered elsewhere (e.g., another
workshop, conference, or journal). Feel free to consult the
program chair on the appropriateness of a topic or the possibility
of conflict with another publication.

PRINTED APPEARANCE: The paper must be written in English. The paper
(including bibliography) should not exceed 15 pages. The paper
should a font size no smaller than 11pt and standard TeX spacing.
It is recommended to include full proofs of any theorems in
appendices if they will not fit in 15 pages. However, any
appendices beyond the 15-page limit should not be needed for
judging the paper and will not be included in the proceedings.

PAPER ELECTRONIC FORMAT: The paper should be in PostScript or PDF.
Every effort should be made to ensure that only portable
PostScript features are used (e.g., avoid using non-standard
built-in fonts). For other formats, ask the program chair well
in advance of the deadline.
For TeX, the class file itrspaper.cls is recommended for use
(available at http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~itrs02/itrspaper.cls).

ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION: The first page of the paper should include
(1) the title,
(2) the list of authors,
(3) a brief abstract (fewer than 200 words),
(4) a short list of key words/topics, and
(5) the name, e-mail address, and postal address of the corresponding
This information should be repeated at the Paper Submission Page
available at the workshop's website = (http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~itrs02/).

Papers can be submitted electronically via the Paper Submission Page
available at the workshop's website = (http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~itrs02/).

The workshop is colocated with the FLoC '02 conference, which will
be held in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Web: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~itrs02/
Program chair: Steffen van Bakel
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]..uk
telephone: +44 20 7495 8263
fax: +44 20 7581 8024
postal: Department of Computing
Imperial College
180 Queens's Gate
London SW7 2BZ, UK

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