Brian Hulley wrote:
Joel Björnson wrote:
I have a question regarding type classes and FunDeps.
Consider the following code :
class Class2 a b | a -> b
class IsFoo a
data Bar a = Bar a
instance IsFoo a => Class2 a a
instance IsFoo a => Class2 (Bar a) a
The last two instantiations wi
Is anyone using HAppS in production right now?
It seems to be the most advanced Haskell web development platform
right now but I would like to hear about others as well. Production
(heavy) use is what I'm looking for.
Thanks, Joel
Haskell is based on indentation for grouping, so your code is fine,
you just need to indent the lines marked:
f :: (Float,Float) -> Float
f (x,y) = (a(x,y) + 4) * (b(x,y) + 3)
a :: (Float,Float) -> Float
a(x,y) = (x + y)*2
b :: (Float,Float) -> Float
b(x,y) = (y -
I can not find the problem, I use WinHugs and shows me(Syntax error in input
(unexpected keyword "where").
here is my code:
f :: (Float,Float) -> Float
f (x,y) = (a(x,y) + 4) * (b(x,y) + 3)
a :: (Float,Float) -> Float
a(x,y) = (x + y)*2
b :: (Float,Float) -> Float
b(x,y) = (y - x)*5
On Tue, 6 Jun 2006, Udo Stenzel wrote:
I need a functions which takes as argument a list of lists like this one:
and gives me a list of list with all the possible combinations like this one:
I see, it is just
> I need a functions which takes as argument a list of lists like this one:
> [[1,2],[3],[4]]
> and gives me a list of list with all the possible combinations like this one:
> [[1,3,4],[2,3,4]]
Finding out why it is named that strangely is left as an exc
Henning Thielemann wrote:
> combinations = foldr (Monad.liftM2 (:)) [[]]
Lennart Augustsson wrote:
combinations [] = [[]]
combinations (xs:xss) = liftM2 (:) xs (combinations xss)
List comprehension is faster when compiled with ghc-6.4.2 -O:
combinations [] = [[]]
combinations (xs:xss) = [ x
Sounds like cartesian product to me.
So you could try
combinations [] = [[]]
combinations (xs:xss) = liftM2 (:) xs (combinations xss)
-- Lennart
I need a functions which takes as argument a list of lists like this one:
and gives me a list
Brian Hulley wrote :
> Possibly you meant to write:
> instance IsFoo a => Class2 a a
> instance Class2 (Bar a) a
Yes, in principle that illustrates the idea.
However I don't see the major difference from constraining the
'a' to the IsFoo class, as in
instance IsFoo a => Class2 (Bar a) a
On Tue, 6 Jun 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I need a functions which takes as argument a list of lists like this one:
> [[1,2],[3],[4]]
> and gives me a list of list with all the possible combinations like this one:
> [[1,3,4],[2,3,4]]
> In this case there are only 2 combination
This should do:
combinations :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
combinations [] = [[]]
combinations [[x]] = [[x]]
combinations ([] : xxs) = combinations xxs
combinations ((h : tl) : xxs) = [h : r | r <- combinations xxs] ++
if null tl then [] else combinations (tl : xxs)
I need a functions which takes as argument a list of lists like this one:
and gives me a list of list with all the possible combinations like this one:
In this case there are only 2 combinations but if there was more than one
element in the other lists the
Joel Björnson wrote:
I have a question regarding type classes and FunDeps.
Consider the following code :
class Class2 a b | a -> b
class IsFoo a
data Bar a = Bar a
instance IsFoo a => Class2 a a
instance IsFoo a => Class2 (Bar a) a
The last two instantiations will yield a 'Functiona
Joel Björnson wrote:
I have a question regarding type classes and FunDeps.
Consider the following code :
class Class2 a b | a -> b
class IsFoo a
data Bar a = Bar a
instance IsFoo a => Class2 a a
instance IsFoo a => Class2 (Bar a) a
The last two instantiations will yield a 'Functiona
I have a question regarding type classes and FunDeps.
Consider the following code :
> class Class2 a b | a -> b
> class IsFoo a
> data Bar a = Bar a
> instance IsFoo a => Class2 a a
> instance IsFoo a => Class2 (Bar a) a
The last two instantiations will yield a 'Functional dependencies conf
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