Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
This is the same - instance Show Char displays non-ASCII characters
that way. You get the same effect if you just type 'ü'.
Thanks to you and John for the hints.
But what is the good reason that show is doing it that way? Wouldn't it
be better to output the 'ü' as
I've got following problem. If I enter in ghci following line:
Prelude Foreign.C> castCCharToChar $ castCharToCChar 'ü'
I would expect that this returns 'ü', but it returns '\252'. Is this the
correct behaviour? Or am I doing something wrong? Or are there any
problems with language specific
I tried to implement a simple counter with gtk2hs. To increase my
counter I defined following event:
onClicked btn $ do si <- textBufferGetStartIter tb
ei <- textBufferGetEndIter tb
val <- textBufferGetText tb si ei False
. Is there any way, without using unsafePerformIO,
to display my IO String?
Christian Buschmann
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