> > Great points: I've added them to this wiki page of for and against
> > points:
> >
> > http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Libraries/WhenToRewriteOrRename
> >
> > Please add points as you see fit, and maybe we can come up with a
> > mitigation/change plan.
> >
> Thanks very much; that'
There have been a few cases of major API / rewrites to famous old
packages causing problems, including:
* QuickCheck 1 vs 2
* parsec 2 vs 3
* OpenGL
a similar opportunity is present with 'fgl', where the new maintainers
are seeking to improve the code.
Below I try to summarise the
> > From: Don Stewart
> >
> > ivan.miljenovic:
> >> Thomas Bereknyei are currently re-writing fgl (just about completely
> >> from scratch) and we plan to make an initial release to get feedback
> >> on the API in the next few weeks.
> &g
> As Louis has already mentioned this to me, I'll take the opportunity
> to sketch out a simple approach -
> 1) GHC programs compiled without -threaded and run without +RTS -N are
> already shown for x86 and x64
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u32/compare.php?lang=ghc
> ht
Amanda Laucher
Romain Lenglet, Google Japan
Yaron Misky, Jane Street (Co-Chair)
Mary Sheeran, Chalmers
Don Stewart, Galois
Dean Wampler, DRW Trading
More information
For more information on CUFP, including videos of presentations from previous
years, take a look at the CUFP w
> Oh, great, the email _did_ go out on the mailing lists (what with
> haskell.org being down I wasn't sure it would).
> Don Stewart writes:
> > ivan.miljenovic:
> >> Thomas Bereknyei are currently re-writing fgl (just about completely
> While working on the Shootout, I noticed the following benchmarks:
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u64/program.php?test=chameneosredux&lang=ghc&;
> id=3
> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u64q/program.php?test=chameneosredux&lang=
> ghc&id=3
> The same program becomes
> Thomas Bereknyei are currently re-writing fgl (just about completely
> from scratch) and we plan to make an initial release to get feedback
> on the API in the next few weeks.
> However, I'm sending this email out now to warn people that I highly
> doubt any code that was writ
> Don Stewart writes:
> > allbery:
> >> Supposedly a future Cabal extension will be to, instead of installing,
> >> write out a package for a vendor packaging system (yum, apt, yast, what
> >> have you). Consider contributing to tha
> On Jun 4, 2010, at 06:54 , Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:
>> Don Stewart writes:
>>> However, we have tools for some distros that do this, and some distro
>>> tools support it directly (e.g. "bauerbill --hackage" on Arch Linux
>>> knows how
> On Jun 4, 2010, at 23:04 , Don Stewart wrote:
>> Build/does not build? That can be automated.
> Automated converters have a certain tendency to become confused and put
> files in unexpected places, etc. Usually this has less to do with the
> source
> On Jun 3, 2010, at 20:27 , Jens Petersen wrote:
>> I often find myself hitting Ctrl-C at "cabal install HACKAGE" to run
>> "yum install ghc-DEPENDENCY-devel"
>> and before returning to run "cabal install" again.
>> It would be nice to automate this in some way - cabal-install plugins,
> On 4 June 2010 00:05, Don Stewart wrote:
> > wasserman.louis:
> >> What, if anything, stands in the way of parallelizing Cabal installs, make
> >> -j
> >> style?
> >
> > Parallelizing ghc --make
> >
> > http://vim
> What, if anything, stands in the way of parallelizing Cabal installs, make -j
> style?
Parallelizing ghc --make
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> On Thursday 03 June 2010 06:27:43 am Don Stewart wrote:
> > I've been posting CSV files of the download statistics here:
> >
> >http://www.galois.com/~dons/hackage/hackage-downloads.csv
> >
> > The next quarter's aggregated downloads are
> Don wrote
> > I see fairly regular complaints about too many Haskell libraries,
> > bewildering choice of difficult-to-determine quality.
> >
> > I've tried to summarize the state of Hackage, and what projects are
> > active to make it easier to find high quality libraries:
> >
> > htt
I see fairly regular complaints about too many Haskell libraries,
bewildering choice of difficult-to-determine quality.
I've tried to summarize the state of Hackage, and what projects are
active to make it easier to find high quality libraries:
-- Don
Hey all,
I thought I might just draw attention to a relatively new forum for
Haskell information on the interwebs, that hasn't been mentioned here
The Stack Overflow Haskell questions forum:
We've had more than 1000 questions asked a
> Dear Haskellers,
> I just want to share an observation. I had to convert a Double to a
> Float value in an inner loop of an application, and I used somethin like
> this:
> xf = (fromRational $ toRational xd) :: Float
> The program works on windows but it did not on OSX - it was to
> Don Stewart schrieb:
> > Or use things from the download-curl package, which provides a nice
> > openURL function.
> The openURL function from TagSoup is lazy, which the proposed
> replacement 'getResponseBody =<< simpleHTTP (getRequest x)'
Or use things from the download-curl package, which provides a nice
openURL function.
> On Wednesday 19 May 2010 19:46:57, Ralph Hodgson wrote:
> > Forgot to add: I now need to understand the following warnings on this
> > line "> import Text.HTML.Download":
> >
> >
> In Text
> Hi,
> I'm writing a program which listens to some D-Bus signals using
> DBus.Client.onSignal function from dbus-client package. This function
> runs IO action in separate haskell thread when signal is received. My
> program does nothing except signal handling, so after setting up
> > Perhaps you can look at the new array packages of the last few years:
> >
> >* vector
> >
> >An efficient implementation of Int-indexed arrays (both mutable and
> >immutable), with a powerful loop fusion optimization framework .
> >
> >http:
> Hello Cafe,
> Being a complete beginner in the field of numerical analysis, but
> anyway needing it to solve "real problems", I wrote a few functions
> recently to solve systems of polynomial equations using the "projected
> polyhedron" method by Maekawa and Patrikakalis
Make sure you're profiling with -prof -auto-all
And any packages you're using may need -auto-all as well.
> I'm definitely not good at profiling...
> But I have something:
> 4,971,190,736 bytes allocated in the heap
> 4,392,735,248 bytes copied during GC
> 13,998,328 by
> Would there be issues (lazy evaluation, type system...) with other languages
> calling a Haskell code in a hypothetical Haskell in .NET?
There are always issues, but conceptually it is no harder than calling
Haskell from C, which is relatively straight forward.
> In this presentation
> http://norfolk.cs.washington.edu/htbin-post/unrestricted/colloq/details.cgi?id=
> 907
> the speaker talks about F# on .Net platform. Early on in the talk he says
> that they did F# because haskell would be "hard to make as a .Net language".
> Does a
> I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and forgot about it. I thought it might be
> of interest to some on this list:
> http://workshop.arandonohue.com/ring/
> ___
Looks a lot like the shootout ThreadRing benchmark,
> hi,
> since i got no answer from the maintainer, maybe someone else can take
> care of it, or at least point out, what i did wrong.
> so, i recently stumbled upon some error while using Text.JSON 0.4.3 [1]:
> Text/JSON/String.hs:(127,4)-(137,49): Non-exhaustive patterns in case
> I have a lot of structured data in a program written in a different
> language, which I would like to read in and analyze with Haskell. And
> I'm free to format this data in any shape or form from the other
> language.
> Could I define a Haskell type for this data that derives th
> Ketil Malde writes:
> > As for code size, the programs are heavily tuned for speed.
> iirc there was a community effort 2 or 3 years ago, but now ghc has
> changed enough that the compiler and runtime parameters seem to need
> re-tuning.
Even longer ago -- some of those 'optimize
> What I seem to be getting at is this plane of type systems:
> Constrained - Expressive
> Unreliable
> | (C)
> |(test suites)
> | (C++).
> |
The event library has a pluggable interface, with multiple backends, and
is entirely portable as a result. You just swap in your 'select'
> On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Don Stewart wrote:
> > I don't believe anyone has written a "Programming Haskell in the Large"
> > book (or any other similar functional language??), but there is lots of
> > experience in this community w
> Hi
> I was just wondering what methods are best to design/model the software in
> bigger projects when you are planning to use Haskell.
> Is there no difference compared to other languages? Are there any Haskell
> tools?
I don't believe anyone has written a "Programming H
> That's very interesting. I only brought it up because I'm thinking about the
> upcoming problems of real-time web application servers.
> I'm sure many people have seen this blog post and Dons's replies:
> http://www.codexon.com/posts/debunking-the-erlang-and-haskell-hype-for-ser
> 2010/04/30 Don Stewart :
> > Prior to the upgrade we weren't mostly beaten on speed, so I think a bit
> > of tuning (ghc -server :) should help.
> What do you mean by that? I tried searching the flags page:
> http://www.haskell.o
> Don Stewart writes:
> > http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u64q/haskell.php
> Observations:
> Although we're mostly beaten on speed, and about the same on code size,
> we're using a lot less memory than Java.
Prior to the upgrade we we
> Hello Aran,
> Friday, April 30, 2010, 2:26:20 AM, you wrote:
> > In GHC, if a thread spawned by forkIO blocks on some network or
> > disk IO, is the threading system smart enough not to wake the thread
> afaik, yes. it's controlled by special i/o thread that multiplexes
The benchmarks game has been updated to use 6.12.2
Please dive in and help tweak/improve/spot any regressions.
Esp. with respect to multicore flags/options/...
- Forwarded message from Isaac Gouy -
Subject: fyi benchmarks game updated to ghc 6.12.2
We could bind to Rts.c in the GHC runtime, and get all the stats
programmatically that you can get with +RTS -s
> Hi
> I was _not_ looking for the OS-level measure, but rather something
> reported by the run-time. Thanks you for the answer anyway.
> /Mads
> On Tue, 2010-0
> 2010/4/25 Günther Schmidt :
> > Hello,
> >
> > HaskellDB makes extensive use of Singleton Types, both in its original
> > version and the more recent one where it's using HList instead of the legacy
> > implementation.
> >
> > I wonder if it is possible, not considering feasibility for
> Martin Erwig writes:
> > Dear FGL users and contributors,
> >
> > The FGL seeks a new home. I don't really have the time anymore to
> > maintain the FGL and add new components at a level that it deserves. I
> > am therefore looking for someone (or a group of people) who would
> David Menendez wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 10:11 PM, John Goerzen wrote:
>>> Don Stewart wrote:
>>>> Oh, the Platform has very strict standards about APIs,
>>>> When a package may be added:
> Hmm...But who would be willing to take on the hard, tedious, and time
> consuming
> work of maintaining the CI build system? I think for this build system effort
> to really take off a group of a few deadicated volunteers would be necessary.
CI for the HP would be really easy, and ex
> On 23 April 2010 21:14, Jason Dagit wrote:
> [Snip]
> > We don't (yet), have a tool to help detect when
> > a change in version number is needed or what the next version should be. We
> > leave this up to humans and it turns out, humans make mistakes :)
> Hi All,
> Did any
> Don Stewart writes:
> > I'll just quickly mention one factor that contributes:
> >
> > * In 2.5 years we've gone from 10 libraries on Hackage to 2023
> > (literally!)
> >
> > That is a massive API to try to manage, he
> Don Stewart wrote:
>> I'll just quickly mention one factor that contributes:
>> * In 2.5 years we've gone from 10 libraries on Hackage to 2023
>> (literally!)
>> That is a massive API to try to manage, hence the continuing
I'll just quickly mention one factor that contributes:
* In 2.5 years we've gone from 10 libraries on Hackage to 2023 (literally!)
That is a massive API to try to manage, hence the continuing move to
focus on automated QA on Hackage, and automated tools -- no one wants
to have to resolve thos
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Aaron D. Ball
> wrote:
> > If I have the basic building block, which is the ability to
> > serialize a Haskell expression with its dependencies and read them
> > into another Haskell instance where I can evaluate them, I can handle
> > the other piece
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 14:05, Jason Dusek wrote:
> > One approach is some compiler "magic" that provides you with an RTS
> > that can communicate with other RTSen over TCP and chunks the computation
> > "appropriately".
> The approaches to Haskell multi-host paralle
> On 19 April 2010 05:29, Don Stewart wrote:
> > That's great info -- we do have an unregisterised ARM port of GHC in
> > Debian, iirc. (And the LLVM backend can generate ARM code too)
> Sounds good. With regards to LLVM, what dependencies does LLVM ARM
> Our best bet is to compile to ARM native code and then use the NDK to
> talk to the Java APIs.
> Cheers.
> ~Liam
That's great info -- we do have an unregisterised ARM port of GHC in
Debian, iirc. (And the LLVM backend can generate ARM code too)
> With that in place, AFAIK, the Haskell Platform built from source with the
> various configure scripts giving me enough hints to ‘yum install’ all the
> required CentOS packages.
Great work!
Is there a website documenting this effort? Or better yet: a binary package I
can add to th
> On 14/04/2010, at 09:05, Xiao-Yong Jin wrote:
> > I want to use 'mapM' on Data.Vector.Vector, but it looks
> > like the only 'mapM' defined is in
> > Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic. I'm able to use 'stream'
> > and 'liftStream' to convert a 'Vector' to a monadic stream,
> > on which I
> 2. What is the difference between "Haskell" and the "Haskell Platform"? I see
> one or the other in various places. To get from www.haskell.org to downloading
> the Mac software, I go through "Download Haskell," "Get the Haskell Platform >
> Mac," and "Download Haskell for Mac OS X (i
> The proposal as I submitted it is here:
> http://docs.google.com/View?docid=0Afa5MxwyB_zYZGhjanNrdjNfMjkzZjloOWNienY&pageview=1&hgd=1&hl=en
> And it might need further revision as I talk to Duncan and the
> community. The advanced social features wouldn't get deployed by the
> Hello
> I found that there is no monadic map for vector. It's possible to define to
> define such map using conversion to list, but I suppose it's not efficient. I
> didn't make any measurements.
> > mapM' :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> V.Vector a -> m (V.Vector b)
> > mapM'
> Jason Dagit writes:
> > If I understand correctly, the issue at hand is that the uninstaller
> > step is removing previous libraries and ghc?
> Not GHC; the HP installer removes old copies of the platform
> libraries. That's likely to break your old GHC setup though. What should
> it
> 1. Why can't the platform download site be hosted on www.haskell.org instead
> of
> hackage.haskell.org? I see that there's a redirect, but (imho) it would be
> ideal to have www.haskell.org/platform be the standard URL in my browser. It
> is
> easier to remember (for typing) and more
> Hi all,
> I've never found an easy way to deal with ByteStrings.
> I'm using the RSA library and it en- and decodes
> Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString.
> I initially start with Strings, ie. [Char], but there is no function to
> convert the 2 back and forth. There is however
> Apparently, Erlang does not have a static type system, since with hot
> code loading, this is intrinsically difficult.
> "Erlang Programming", Francesco Cesarini & Simon Thompson, June 2009,
> O'Reilly, page 31.
> If Haskell allows hot code loading, would this throw a wrench into th
Hackage 2010 Q1 report
After the big move of Hackage from monk to the new abbot server, here's
the first report on which packages are popular, and how Hackage is doing
in general.
-- Don
> Don Stewart schrieb:
>> While at ZuriHac, a few of us GSoC mentors got together to discuss what
>> we think the most important student projects for the summer should be.
>> Here's the list:
>> http://donsbot.wordpress.co
> Hi all,
> I would like to learn a little bit more about metaprogramming in
> Haskell. And I'm also wondering why metaprogramming is used much more
> in Ocaml than in Haskell.
> Camlp4 (Ocaml's metaprogramming facility) doesn't seem to much more
> powerful that Template Haskell. T
> Don Stewart writes:
> > Well, you can 'script' GHC:
> [snip]
> > To at least get the fully qualified types exported from a module.
> Which increases the portability _how_ precisely? :p
Portability? You already have GHC o
> replicate :: Int -> a -> New a
> replicate n x = Generic.New.unstream (Fusion.Stream.replicate n x)
> and then either
> Mutable.run (replicate n x)
> to get a mutable vector or
> new (replicate n x)
Hmm, but here 'a' is pure. I don't think he wants
newWith :: (PrimMonad
> Stephen Tetley writes:
> > I had a little experiment along the lines of "A Package Versioning
> > Policy Checker" a few months ago. I got as far as using
> > Haskell-src-exts to extract module export list, but didn't work out
> > out a hashing scheme for the actual type signatur
> Hi,
> I'd like to be able to do replicateM, but over a vector instead of a list.
> Right now I'm doing this:
> import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
> import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as M
> replicateM n action = do
> mu <- M.unsafeNew n
> let go !i | i
While at ZuriHac, a few of us GSoC mentors got together to discuss what
we think the most important student projects for the summer should be.
Here's the list:
Please consider applying to work on these t
> Sorry for the late response, but just out of curiosity, are there any
> plans to provide a binary installer for either the Haskell Platform or
> GHC 6.12.1 for Mac OS X Leopard for the PowerPC CPU (as opposed to for
> the Intel x86 CPU)? I just checked the download-related Web site
> I'm wondering... Since the DPH libraries are shipped with GHC by default are
> we allowed to use them for the shootout?
> Roman
> On 30/03/2010, at 19:25, Simon Marlow wrote:
> > The shootout (sorry, Computer Language Benchmarks Game) recently updated to
> > GHC 6.12.1,
> Hi all,
> I notice that posts from the Haskell elders are pretty rare now. Only
> every now and then we hear from them.
> How come?
Because there is too much noise on this list, Günther
-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Christopher Done wrote:
>> On 28 March 2010 23:32, Ashley Yakeley wrote:
>>> There was a big competition for the logo, with this blind Condorcet voting
>>> and everything, and this is the shape that was picked. But it kind of ran
>>> out of steam before colours were decided upon. So I ju
> Don Stewart writes:
> > The best way to find out is to look at the 'cabal spec'
> >
> > http://code.haskell.org/haskell-platform/haskell-platform.cabal
> Which, of course, mentions Haddock 2.7.2 in passing, to the confusion of
> On a related note,
> I wanted to find out what version of parsec is included in the platform, but
> that version is not included on this page:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/contents.html
> The package links just say 'parsec' and link to the lastest version on
> hackage.
This looks great!
What are the implementation details of having this go live?
* Ashley: would you be able to e.g. install an index.html like this,
and hang the wiki under it?
* How do we allow editing (by trusted users?)
-- Don
> This is a post about re-designing th
> I had the same problem -- downloaded and installed the new Haskell
> Platform, and when I tried cabal I got the: dyld error. I'm also
> on OS X 10.5.8. Also, ghc users guide appears to be missing.
> I filed a bug report. To solve the cabal problem I got
> cabal-install ve
> you end up with a fearsome and complex set of typeclasses that are
> difficult to learn and follow.
And to optimize.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> There's a problem with the Haskell Platform website. I'm posting the
> message here because I gave up looking for contact information for the
> site, maybe someone here can forward the message or tell me who to
> forward it to?
> The specific page is http://hackage.haskell.org/plat
> Don Stewart writes:
> > The beta of the 2010.2.0.0 release is now up, which is based on GHC
> > 6.12.
> Hang on, you just announced 2010.1.0.0... have you suddenly released
> _another_ major version? :p
2010.1.0.0 is definited as a
We're watching *massive* traffic right now due to HP release.
It's not down, just very very busy.
For fun, here's a map of who's downloading Haskell:
74 countries in 12 hours, and counting.
- Don
> Hackage seems to be down again.
> $ cabal update
> Dow
Live from (post-) Zurihac, I'm pleased to announce the 2010.1.0.0 (beta branch)
release of the Haskell Platform, supporting GHC 6.12.
The Haskell Platform is a comprehensive, robust development environment for
programming in Haskell. For new users the plat
> It seems that I am being served old pages by my web browser from the
> cache on my machine. By reloading the platform page, I suddenly am
> asked what system I do have, from weher I am referred to the 6.12
> version of the platform,
> On the page:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/
> I am told that the platform includes ghc-6.10.4, but if I click there
> on the "Haskell:batteries included" link to get to the page:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/contents.html
> its states there that I get 6.12.1?
You should file a bug on the Haskell Platform bug tracker.
And I'm CC'ing the dmg maintainer -- it may also be a GHC issue as well.
-- Don
> I downloaded the new haskell-platform-2010.1.0.0-i386.dmg today... ra
> Hello
> I would like to discuss my idea for google summer of code. I'm an active
> Haskell programmer . I have read the idea list . I think Improve Cabal's test
> support really suit my ability of haskell. I would like to give me advice
> about
> my idea . and how to improve
> Erlang has yaws (http://yaws.hyber.org/)
> Scala has lift (http://liftweb.net/)
> Python has django (http://www.djangoproject.com/)
> Ruby has rails (http://rubyonrails.org/)
> How about haskell ? Is there any similar framework, which should be steady,
> powerful and easy to use, in
> For some time I have relied on Dons's Plugins package, which was
> perhaps something of a mistake as it's kind of messy inside and I
> don't think it's maintained. With the upgrade to GHC 6.12, it broke
> for me, and I wasn't able to get it fixed. But I was able to write my
> own subset
> After programming as an exercice the sum function, my version is
> faster than the Data.List's version. Looking at the source code,
> Data.List uses a foldl and not a foldl'. foldl' seems faster and
> allows to use very big lists. So, why is foldl used by Data.List for
> sum?
It's co
> I've run into an issue with inlining that I'm not sure how to work
> around. I am instantiating some pre-existing type classes with
> Vector-based types. There already exist generic functions in modules I
> do not control that use this type class, and they are not tagged with
> On Mar 7, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Don Stewart wrote:
> In fact, infinite vectors make no sense, as far as I can tell -- these
> are fundamentally bounded structures.
> Fourier analysis? Functional analysis? Hamel bases in Real analysis? T
> Hello,
> why I can't define a recursive vector using Data.Vector, like in
> the example:
> import qualified Data.Vector as V
> let fib = 0 `V.cons` (1 `V.cons` V.zipWith (+) fib (V.tail v))
There's a typo:
fib = 0 `V.cons` (1 `V.cons` V.zipWith (+) fib (V.tail fib))
> Hi all,
> all going well this year I'll be able to invest some money on becoming a
> better Haskeller.
> I think I've reached the point where I need some tutoring, so provided
> I've got money for travel and course fees, and time, where do I get it?
> I'm not a student so s
Sounds like the known issue of ghc --make (the compilation manager)
retaining meta data (like .hi file info) when compiling many modules.
This isn't the case with one-shot compiltation.
I'm not sure there's anything you can do about it.
> Including ghc-users.
> On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 a
>> I'd also like to point to Nix[3] and Cabal[4] for ideas, and I bet
>> most
>> of the dependency analysis could be ripped from the latter.
> Hrrm, sadly Cabal has no dependency analysis at all - everything must be
> specified by the author of the .cabal file, both modules an
> On 2010-03-01 19:37 + (Mon), Thomas Schilling wrote:
> > A possible workaround would be to sprinkle lots of 'rnf's around your
> > code
> As I learned rather to my chagrin on a large project, you generally
> don't want to do that. I spent a couple of days writing instance
> of
> Using GHC 6.12.1 on Windows currently is hard, since one must compile
> the latest version of cabal-install, which is a nightmare to do for a
> typical windows user (install mingw, msys, utils like wget, download
> correct package from hackage, compile them in correct order, etc etc)
> hi,
> two questions in one post:
> i've been hunting down some performance problems in DSP code using vector and
> the single most important transformation seems to be throwing in INLINE
> pragmas
> for any function that uses vector combinators and is to be called from
> higher-level c
I hope to turn it all into a tool.
> What's the chance you have generational graphs for the rest of your examples
> like you do with the first? I'd be interested to see those.
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 3:02 AM, Don Stewart wrote:
> http://d
201 - 300 of 1785 matches
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