Re: [Haskell-cafe] (small) code review request

2005-06-16 Thread Lennart Augustsson
Radu Grigore wrote: List based solutions should also work if garbage collection is done right, e.g., fib n = fs !! n where fs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fs (tail fs) So you mean my solution of the LCS problem should work in O(n) space "if garbage collection is done right"? What exactly does this

Re: [Haskell-cafe] (small) code review request

2005-06-16 Thread Radu Grigore
On 6/16/05, Lennart Augustsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > fib n = f n 1 1 >where f 0 _ b = b > f n a b = f (n-1) (a+b) a Indeed. I should have seen this. It's a pretty standard trick for making a function tail recursive. > List based solutions should also work if garbage collection

Re: [Haskell-cafe] (small) code review request

2005-06-16 Thread Lennart Augustsson
Radu Grigore wrote: Anyway, I was wondering if the O(n) space and O(n^2) time solution can be implemented in Haskell. Another way to ask this. Consider the classic fibonacci example. Can one compute the n-th fibonacci number in O(n) time and O(1) space, i.e. remember only the "last" two values du

[Haskell-cafe] (small) code review request

2005-06-16 Thread Radu Grigore
The programming language I know best is C++. Wait, don't close the message. I also know OCaml and a couple of days ago I read "A Gentle Introduction to Haskell". In order to practice what I've learned a bit above "hello world" programs I chose to solve some easy tasks from SPOJ. They have automati