* Ilya Portnov [2012-01-29 01:26:29+0500]
> Hi haskell-cafe.
> Is there a way to get named captures from regex using regex-pcre (or
> maybe other PCRE-package)? For example, I want to write something
> like
> let result = "ab 12 cd" =~ "ab (?P\d+) cd" :: SomeCrypticType
> and then have na
On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 15:26, Ilya Portnov wrote:
> Is there a way to get named captures from regex using regex-pcre (or maybe
> other PCRE-package)? For example, I want to write something like
regex-pcre is constrained by the common Haskell regex API (used by all the
regex-* packages), which
Hi haskell-cafe.
Is there a way to get named captures from regex using regex-pcre (or
maybe other PCRE-package)? For example, I want to write something like
let result = "ab 12 cd" =~ "ab (?P\d+) cd" :: SomeCrypticType
and then have namedCaptures result == [("number", "12")].
I do not see so