On Jan 28, 2007, at 13:01 , Dennis Buchmann wrote:
It should look like this:
floor(j * (n / p2n))
where j is an Integer, n is the length of a list, therefore Integer
and p2n is 2^n.
When i use the former line in my Haskell code (pasted at the end of
this mail),
i get the fol
Hi Dennis,
(/) :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
div :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
Basically, use / on Float/Double like things, and div on Int/Integer
like things:
If you do want to use double like things throughout, then using
fromInteger around the place will help:
floor (fromInteger j * (fromI
I've got a little problem i don't understand.
I need to calculate an index for a list (by use of !!).
It should look like this:
floor(j * (n / p2n))
where j is an Integer, n is the length of a list, therefore Integer too,
and p2n is 2^n.
When i use the former line in my Haskell code (past