[to Haskell-cafe]

At 19:29 17/02/04 -0500, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
Thank you for the link to FGL.  I also looked at
the boilerplate stuff.  If *feels* like there
should be a way to embed the graph stuff in the
boilerplate stuff to allow non-destructive update
of arbitrary object graphs without handcoding the
mapping of the datastructure to an object graph?

Is this possible?  Has anyone does this?  Any
reason to believe its a bad idea?

Alternatively, I could decide up front to
represent my data as RDF triples (amenable to a
graph system), but I'd rather take advantage of
Haskell's type system.

Hmmm (speaking as an RDF advocate) ... that seems like an odd reason for using RDF.

Much of the value of RDF is, I would say, as means to exchange information *between* programs rather than for internal structuring of data. An RDF-graph-based interface to data provides for some uniformity of access and processing that can be useful. In my own work, I have at least two different internal representations for RDF data (neither of which have been designed for efficiency).


------------ Graham Klyne For email: http://www.ninebynine.org/#Contact

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