On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 11:18:46PM -0500, David Cabana wrote:
> I have been trying to work through Graham Hutton's "Programming in  
> Haskell", but have hit something of a snag in chapter 8.4. Hutton  
> presents some sample code which I am trying to run, with no luck so  
> far. Here is the code as I constructed it by gathering snippets  
> presented across three pages.
> <code>
> module Main where
> -- as per Hutton page 75
> type Parser a = String -> [(a, String)]
> -- page 75
> return :: a -> Parser a
> return v = \inp -> [(v,inp)]

This return conflicts with the one in Prelude, and (while similar) they
are not interchangable.

> -- page 76
> failure :: Parser a
> failure = \inp -> [ ]

This is analogous to Prelude.fail.  Fortunately Hutton didn't call it that :)

> item :: Parser Char
> item = \inp -> case inp of
>                 [ ] -> [ ]
>                 (x:xs)-> [(x,xs)]

Looks reasonable

> parse :: Parser a -> String -> [(a,String)]
> parse p inp = p inp

Same here

> -- page 77
> p :: Parser (Char, Char)
> p = do x <- item
>             item
>             y <- item
>             return (x,y)
> </code>


Due to the Layout Rule that is parsed as a single long statement...
I'm quite suprised you didn't get a parse error. 

It needs to be:

p :: Parser (Char, Char)
p = do x <- item
       y <- item
       return (x,y)

But, this still won't work.  essentially the 'do' uses Prelude.return,
Prelude.(>>), and Prelude.(>>=), which work on defined Monads; but your
parser type is not properly declared as a monad.  (and cannot be, because
it is a type synonym.)

You could define:

(>>) :: Parser x -> Parser y -> Parser y
(p1 >> p2) l = [ (s,rs2) | (f,rs1) <- p1 l , (s,rs2) <- p2 rs1 ]

(>>=) :: Parser x -> (x -> Parser y) -> Parser y
(p1 >>= fn) l = [ (s,rs2) | (f,rs1) <- p1 l , (s,rs2) <- fn f rs1 ]

then use those (do-notation ignores scope so it must be desugared):

p :: Parser (Char, Char)
p = item              Main.>>= \x ->
    item              Main.>>
    item              Main.>>= \y ->
    Main.return (x,y)

This should work.  Famous last words I know :)

> When I tried to load this code, I got this error message:
>     Ambiguous occurrence `return'
>     It could refer to either `return', defined at /Users/joe/haskell/ 
> parse2.hs:8:0
>                         or `return', imported from Prelude
> OK. My reasoning was that Hutton took the trouble to define return,  
> so I decided to use the local definition instead of the one in the  
> Prelude. I changed the last line from "return (x,y)" to "Main.return  
> (x,y)". The new error message is worse:
>     Couldn't match expected type `Char'
>          against inferred type `[(Char, String)]'
>     In the expression: x
>     In the first argument of `return', namely `(x, y)'
>     In the expression: return (x, y)</blockquote>
> Hutton provided explicit type signatures, so I did not expect type  
> issues.
> I decided to take another approach. The book has a website that lists  
> errata and provides code listings. The code for chapter eight is at  
> http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~gmh/Parsing.lhs
> When I read Hutton's code, I noticed that he begins by importing  
> Monad. The code I list above is from chapter 8, pages 75-77 of the  
> book. Monads have not yet been mentioned. The book's index shows that  
> monads aren't mentioned till page 113, in chapter 10. I also notice  
> that in his code, Hutton makes repeated use of a symbol P whose  
> meaning I do not know.
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