Apologize in advance for the English language.

I'm working with json-rpc interface (http://json-rpc.org/) via http.
Requests and responses look like this:
-> {"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "id" : "1", "method" : "user.authenticate", 
    "params" : { "user" : "myUser", "password" : "myPassword" }}

-> {"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "id" : "2", "method" : "user.getObjects", 
    "auth" : "97d4b59d2f2fbf703bb7aa257aae5254", 
    "params" : { "alias" : "myUser" }}

How can i describe in Haskell my task? 

P.S. The first request is required for authentication (field "auth" in
the following queries). Using the second query, I want to know

P.P.S. My first approach is to describe rpc query as following:
data RpcQuery = RpcQuery {
        rpcVersion :: String,
        rpcId :: String,
        rpcMethod :: String,
        rpcAuth :: String,
        rpcParams :: AuthUser
} deriving (Show)

data AuthUser = AuthUser {
        authUser :: String,
        authPassword :: String
        } deriving (Show)

instance JSON AuthUser where
        showJSON au = makeObj
                [ ("user", showJSON $ authUser au)
                , ("password", showJSON $ authPassword au)
        readJSON (JSObject obj) = let
                        jsonObjAssoc = fromJSObject obj
                in do   
                        user <- mLookup "user" jsonObjAssoc >>= readJSON
                        password <- mLookup "password" jsonObjAssoc >>=
                        return $ AuthUser
                                { authUser = user
                                , authPassword = password

        readJSON _ = fail ""

But this scheme is not extended.

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