I'm trying the add-a-gram challenge from here:

... and I'm also experiencing runaway memory consumption. If I load the
supplied list of words (a 1.6M file) and search for shorter strings, things
are OK. Memory consumption increases dramatically as I search for longer and
longer trails. The function searchWord starts with a particular map and
searches the maps below it (i.e. those containing shorter words), so when I
search for longer trails, a larger number of maps must be examined. When I
search for short trails, only a few (2-3 say) of the maps are examined. I
think this implies some kind of lazy evaluation problem, but I'm not sure
where to go from here.

Was it a bad idea to use a Map of Maps as a data structure? Initially I had
a list of Maps, but this wouldn't even load the full file (so I suppose lazy
evaluation has allowed me to get a bit further...). Maps seemed like the
right data structures to use for this problem. Is there some way I could
force evaluation of the maps as the file is loaded? (Or is blaming the maps
a red herring?)

Program below:

> module Main where

> import Data.FiniteMap
> import Data.List
> import System.IO

Data structure is a Map of Maps. The top-level Map holds Maps indexed by Int
(for words of size n).
Each of these Maps holds words of that size, where a key is the sorted list
of chars for a word,
and the value is the list of words whose sorted characters are that key
i.e. all words constructed from the same set of characters.

> type WordMaps = FiniteMap Int WordMap
> type WordMap = FiniteMap String [String]
> type MyWord = String

ail + s = 
sail + n = 
nails + e = 
aliens + t = 
salient + r = 
entrails + c = 
clarinets + e = 
interlaces + d = 
CREDENTIALS (length 11)

mar + c = 
cram + h = 
march + s = 
charms + o = 
chromas + n = 
monarchs + i = 
harmonics + a = 
maraschino + n = 
ANACHRONISM (length 11) 


> addWordToMap :: String -> WordMap -> WordMap
> addWordToMap word m =
>   case lookupFM m key of
>     Just wlist -> addToFM m key (word:wlist)
>     Nothing -> addToFM m key [word]
>     where key = sort word

> addWord :: String -> WordMaps -> WordMaps
> addWord word maps = addToFM maps key newmap
>   where key = length word
>         newmap = addWordToMap word oldmap
>         oldmap = case (lookupFM maps key) of
>             Just m -> m
>             Nothing -> emptyFM

> populateMaps :: WordMaps -> IO WordMaps
> populateMaps maps = do
>   eof <- isEOF
>   if eof then return maps else do
>     word <- getLine
>     if (length word) > 0  -- test for blank lines
>       then populateMaps (addWord word maps)
>       else populateMaps maps


> getMap :: WordMaps -> Int -> WordMap
> getMap maps key = case (lookupFM maps key) of
>   Nothing -> emptyFM
>   Just m -> m

> showWordList :: [String] -> String
> showWordList = concat . intersperse ", "

> printTrail :: WordMaps -> [String] -> String
> printTrail _ [] = ""
> printTrail maps (w:ws) = (showWordList elts) ++ "\n" ++ (printTrail maps
>   where m = getMap maps (length w)
>         elts = lookupWithDefaultFM m [""] w

> removeEachChar :: String -> [String]
> removeEachChar word = removeEachChar' word (length word) []

> removeEachChar' :: String -> Int -> [String] -> [String]
> removeEachChar' []   _ list = list
> removeEachChar' _    0 list = list
> removeEachChar' word n list = removeEachChar' word (n-1) (newword:list)
>   where newword = (take (n-1) word) ++ (drop n word)

> unfussyHead :: [[String]] -> [String]
> unfussyHead [] = []
> unfussyHead l = head l

Given a word (and a trail so far) this will return either an empty trail,
or a trail to the first 3-char word that completes the search.
A trail is just the list of keys, shortest first.

> searchWord :: WordMaps -> [String] -> String -> [String]
> searchWord maps trail word
>   | length word <= 3 = word:trail
>   | otherwise =
>       case lookupFM m word of
>         Nothing -> []
>         Just _ -> unfussyHead $ filter ([] /=) $ map cont (removeEachChar
>         where cont = searchWord maps (word:trail)
>               m = getMap maps (length word)

For each word (key) in a level, call searchWord.
The first to return a non-empty list is the winner.
If the list for this level is empty, then recurse with the next level down.

> searchLevel :: WordMaps -> Int -> [String]
> searchLevel _    3 = []
> searchLevel maps level =
>   case (lookupFM maps level) of
>     Nothing -> []
>     Just m -> let result = filter ([] /= ) $ map (searchWord maps [])
(keysFM m) in
>       if result == []
>         then searchLevel maps (level-1)
>         else head result

Kick off search at top-level.

> start :: WordMaps -> [String]
> start maps = searchLevel maps (last (keysFM maps))

Look for a specific trail. For testing/debugging.

> findw :: WordMaps -> [String]
> findw maps = searchWord maps [] (sort "entrails")

 findw maps = searchWord maps [] (sort "nails")
 findw maps = searchWord maps [] (sort "salient")
 findw maps = searchWord maps [] (sort "entrails")
 findw maps = searchWord maps [] (sort "clarinets")

> readWords :: IO String
> readWords = do
>   wordMaps <- populateMaps emptyFM
>   return (printTrail wordMaps (findw wordMaps))
>   -- This is how we'd normally start:
>   --return (printTrail wordMaps (start wordMaps))

> main :: IO ()
> main = do
>    s <- readWords
>    putStrLn s
>    return ()

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