Mike Beattie wrote:
 it did inform me that there had indeed been
no posts since April.

Which now confuses me. Have you all become complacent, or are is it
doctor's orders to stop being so miserable in order to try any get
rid of your stomach ulcers?
Incidentally, just yesterday I started to worry about this, too. Me - I don't know about "complacent", but definitely beaten into submission. By staff like having my e-mail at work migrated from a Zimbra account to an Exchange account and living with two Inboxes for a while, with some e-mails moved across accounts as they should be and some not. Or stuff like having my files at work migrated from the local hard drive to a NetApp storage server and living with two home directories for a while, with some files moved as they should be and some not.

Perhaps emotional responses are reserved for the exceptional rather than the normal, hence the hate of software is only possible when exposure to software does not exceed some critical level.

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