Outlook is sending appointment requests in a way which makes them
invisible to me, by lying in the e-mail messages it creates.

It's sending a multipart/alternative message, with three parts:
text/plain (containing the message the sender type), text/html (ditto,
with superfluous mark-up), and text/calendar (a VCalendar file
containing details of the appointment).

Mutt is, correctly, believing that to be three alternative
representations of the same content, so is picking one to show me (the
plain text) and ignoring the other two, not even alerting me to their

Outlook could've sent the text/calendar file as a separate
multipart/mixed part (like any 'normal' e-mail attachment), not
labelling it as an alternative.

Or, since the VCalendar file already contains the entire text of the
message, it could have inserted the appointment time and place into the
plain text and HTML parts such that all three do convey the same
information and are substitutable alternatives, and then continued to
label them as such.

But no, it lies, hatefully mislabelling every appointment request it
sends out, meaning that I miss out on realizing that some seemingly
innocuous e-mail messages are actually appointment requests, and
consequently I fail to spend time attending various meetings and
conference calls, instead staying at my desk quietly getting on with ...
hmmm, on second thoughts ...


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