On Thursday 19 April 2007 00:02:52 Gerry Lawrence wrote:
|  They may have the best network but their software sucks ass.  Verizon
| puts its software
|  on all models of phone, so it doesn't matter which phone you get, they
| all suck.

|  All cell phone software sucks ass.   Verizon takes the suckage to a
| new level.

Oooh! Can I play? Verizon also seems to extend their hate to visiting 
non-US customers.

I'm currently on holiday. Since it's a long trip I grabbed both my phone 
and our son's since both are Nokias using the same charger and batteries, 
this meant we could use them for SMS and short calls to co-ordinate. This 
worked well in three different continents, but once we got to .us his 
stopped working due to it not doing whatever magical frequency they use 
for GSM here.

I do get signal on my phone (thank you Cingular), but coverage goes up and 
down a bit and the other (cheaper) phone just sits there going "huh?". In 
other countries at least I can automatically connect to the strongest 
network, in Australia it even told me where I was!

Another feature of the stay is TV ads telling how much better Verizon are 
because a mob of people follow you around wherever you go, and yet as far 
as I can tell Verizon don't appear on my network list. I'm not entirely 
sure if this is because:
a. They don't do GSM
b. They do GSM on some frequency not supported by my obviously neanderthal 
c. They do GSM but not roaming agreements

I'd initially considered a and b to be likely options, but the software 
thing almost lends itself to c as an option.

--- Paul Mc Auley                           Boren's Laws:
--  pau...@peema.org                    (1) When in charge, ponder.
-                                       (2) When in trouble, delegate.
                                        (3) When in doubt, mumble.

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